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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. No it wont fit thank god...It's AWFUL!!!
  2. It's not for your model of bike fawz, so you can stop coveting it http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-Early-DT175-DT250-DT360-Style-Passenger-Seat-Extender-Chrome-Rack-/331138981205?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts_13&hash=item4d196bdd55
  3. we all have to learn stuff fawz, dont worry fella. Think about it...you said 'it seemed obvious' after what I had said. You just need to do some thinking for yourself, think about 'what might happen' if you dismantle things and that way you wont have any nasty surprises
  4. Ohh one more thing, dont remove the fork cap bolts unless you have the bike on a stand under the engine, dont try this with the bike on it's side stand, or the front end will dive down and it will topple over!! A bottle crate and some wood will do if you dont have a proper bike stand, try to have it so the front wheel is off the ground, maybe put a bag of sand (for example) on the back of the seat to lift the front
  5. yeah I'm sure 10w40 will be just fine for the gearbox no...the pinch bolts are the ones that clamp the forks in the yokes...the clue is in the name. You fill through the fork cap bolts. Take care when removing them, they are under a little spring tension Get a friend to hold a container close to the drain holes, pull on the front brake and pump the forks up and down until no more oil squirts out, thats the best and easiest way to drain them, just do one at a time and then replace the drain bolt
  6. sae 20 will be fine fawz I'm sure why are you messing with the pinch bolts then...isnt there an oil drain bolt on your forks?
  7. C'mon mike lighten up...It's only a typo! Change the 'in' for 'I'm'
  8. Greetings Ronnie hope you get the DTR sorted they're great bikes
  9. did you make sure that the clutch friction plate with the larger internal diameter was installed as the 2nd one in...along with the rubber damper ring?
  10. I edited your subject title, It may better attract some help here
  11. when you get back to your post, dont press image icon, just paste the tag you copied straight to your post
  12. Whatever you do, ...dont stress the servo by over tightening the cables
  13. align the 'U' cutout in the pulley and the 4mm blind hole in the cyl head (this should happen after the cleaning cycle) turn off the key. Now the PV should be fully open...exhaust port nice and smooth right to the cylinder
  14. Thats looking great John, bet you're glad the weather has been so mild lately
  15. one last fling before the mobility scooter
  16. welcome back bob, thats a great little 2T to come back on
  17. I'd say that even though the neutral light is working, the signal from the neutral light is detached from the ignition module?
  18. Yes, get a proper yamaha one too , not one of those cheapo painted aftermarket jobbies
  19. Head gasket? What does "stopped at a robot" mean then?
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