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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Clean the original either ultrasonic of the best you can do with carb cleaner and compressed air...save your money if the carb is only dirty
  2. nice one lallasro., that's what I'd have done too...Well done on the fix
  3. Yeah I live in Glossop mate, never seem to get out on rides much these days...too much tinkering and stuff to do...ohh and I've re-discovered pushbikes (need to shed some lard) Let us know when you get the baby drag...maybe post up a pic or two...we like pictures
  4. It'll pull you Jake but at 95 kilos it will struggle to catch the cows Look deeper in the pile for a 125
  5. Hi Jake, you say it's a water cooled bike, perhaps the fluid in the cylinder is coolant...maybe a head gasket leak? Anyway post all your questions and progress here in this thread so as to keep it all together rather than a new thread for every problem. Learn how to post pictures we would like to see it and posting the VIN # might help. As for how much you spend really depends on availability of parts in US...ebay...craigslist etc.
  6. Hey greetings Duki(nfield) lad ...so It's a 125 then?
  7. Sorry to hear about your dad's passing NEV.
  8. sorry I was a bit late mate but you should have taken off the spring tension before withdrawing the shaft...that was just muppetry
  9. hadnt read this properly, of course 4+5 should be there, that'll give enough room for springs to jump out of place. I think I have a spare assembly at work ***Tip*** If like me you re-use good gaskets, take a lot of care with the kickstart return spring when removing/replacing the clutch cover...It easily jumps out of its locating hole in the crankcase and tears the gasket on its travels
  10. is there an arrow on the piston crown? if there is it should point to the front of the bike
  11. yeah Rick, Check spring (Item 7) hasnt popped out of the little slot in the plastic spacer (Item 8) MOVED TO WORKSHOP AREA!
  12. Have you got a haynes manual? Have you got a multimeter? Have you tested all the resistances of the coils both the HT coil and the stator coils, as per the spec in the manual? If the answer is yes yes yes then maybe the cdi is u/s
  13. Great choice Adam 'mham' use a 6 point socket and you would be advised not to hijack someone else's intro !
  14. Greetings Steve, lots of oil burner fans in here mate
  15. yeah as cynic said it's a 'must do' to fit a new key. sheared keys are caused by not tightening the flywheel nut to the specified torque and so this is another 'must do'. let us know how you get on with this
  16. I've done nearly 42'000 miles on mine
  17. some of your estimations are a bit low I'd say but yeah a matching numbers complete runner has to be worth more than £600
  18. Greetings praetorian and Didnt think I knew any dutch Ttasky but I'm familiar with this, people often shout it at me on the daily commute ...well I never
  19. something wrong with the vac petrol tap Ray and also something wrong with the carb float valve, you can damage you engine trying to start it with a cylinder full of petrol!
  20. you should replace that with a new one George
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