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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. nice looking pipe, reminds me of the one I had on mine
  2. what do you call a dear with no eyes? me neither Hey I meant ask your neighbours (the ones next to you) how to make your bike LOUDER
  3. Hey duki, how about you ask your neighbours for advice
  4. Greetings Sam, welcome to the YOC, we're also pleased you dropped in
  5. Same cycle ride today, armed with new batteries in the camera. so after the aqueduct in Marple there follows a series of locks in quick sucession...16 of them altogether, thats quite a difference in water levels doncha think? and soon the hills of the Derbyshire peak district come into view swing bridge in action more hills as seen from the canal near New Mills and then onto New Mills town and a view of 'the torrs'...spot the archimedes screw electric generator and the millenium bridge over the river Goyt (April 2000) with New Mills behind, It's off on the sett valley trail 9ex railway) towards Hayfield and time to climb some hills, 'Lantern Pike', It's quite a slog nice view from the summit I'll sleep tonight Hey lallasro, It's all within about a 20 mile radius of where I live in Glossop Hyde...canal to Marple Marple...canal to New Mills New Mills...trail to Hayfield Hayfield...bridleway and fields to Glossop
  6. Bloody gorgeous John, dont sell it...give it to me
  7. Blimey 81! hope I'm still tinkering with bikes at that age...hats off to you Gerald Greetings and
  8. Greetings Stg, hey thats a beast of a first bike isnt it?
  9. There will be lines on the rotor... indicating ignition? That will be somewhat before TDC
  10. Thats confusing rwd, you have all the ingredients to start the bike...dohh! Try another plug and capacitor, they're quirky things these points ignitions I remember well from my youth (yes I know you apparently have a spark, but still) Have you had the magneto flywheel off recently...any possibility the woodruff key is sheared?
  11. Greetings Sean, lovely bikes are the thundercats, we dont see much chat about them on here for some reason so I hope you get all the info you need.
  12. not seen paul for a year jus!
  13. Greetings rwd, thats quite a classic collection you have
  14. I got out on my bike today, thats pushbike though lol, i'm on a fitness and fat-less drive at the moment. Jumped on the canal from Hyde to Marple then canal from Marple to New Mills then old railway trail from New Mills to Hayfield and popped back over the hills to home. Took a few pics but my camera battery died just as I reached Marple so that sucks, there would have been plenty more scenery to show you from there! However the Hyde/Marple section is really nice because there's plenty of woodland and in springtime it always looks good Dark tunnel, always walk this one, can you guess why? Spotted this fella, watched him a good 10 mins and he never so much as blinked...great concentration when your dinner relies on it eh? Canal viaduct at marple end, what a magnificent structure it is, that's the railway viaduct in the background Its a long way down! Sadly that all I have, just a few yards from here is the 18 or so canal locks which must take and age to pass through, then of on the New Mills canal which is quite an elevated section through the beautiful hills of the peak district. And finally on reaching New Mills, off up the sett valley trail (old railway line) to Hayfield...I used to ride my tiger cub trial bike on that before they made it a recognised trail. Loved it
  15. Ohh bugger, thats bad news mate, as the others have said I'm glad you're ok in the main and in a way i'm glad you were on the ped, anything else you might gave been going faster. Shit though I'm sorry to see both you and the bike have damage! ....fucking gormless bastards in cages aaaghhhh!
  16. yeah but maybe some of the new coating has come off? I dont believe much in coincidences myself. You could just disconnect the tube from the carb and see if there's a good strong flow of fuel when you turn on the petcock
  17. Good clear video slice, what camera are you using?
  18. according to the manual 1,200 kPa (12 kg/cm2) at 400 r/min Compression pressure (at sea level): Standard: 1.200 kPa (12 kg/cm2, 12 bar) Minimum: 1.100 kPa (11 kg/cm2, 11 bar) Maximum: 1.300 kPa (13 kg/cm2, 13 bar) Take out the plug from the cylinder you are not measuring, earth out the pair of sparkplugs so you dont damage any ignition components. Full throttle and hit the button.
  19. have a look at the filter on your petcock Jeff, as you've been working on the tank there might be some debris blocking the filter screens
  20. it's also a problem if the light doesnt come on in neutral...It is a bulb check feature after all
  21. you need to adjust the tang on the float to achieve 21mm from the float to the bowl gasket surface, this is best checked with the float inclined rather than inverted...inclined to the point where the tang just begins to touch the spring pin in the float needle (not allowed to compress the spring)
  22. I love doing stuff like this
  23. Garry, the head gasket has failed, you should check the head for being warped as well
  24. get a good condition well fitting screwdriver for the bowl screws, as thet're made of cheese they're easily rounded 3: Tyres Front 80/90-21 Rear 110/80-18 The RE is known to have a restriction, one of the wires needs earthing...do some research, NEV will know
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