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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Greetings connor, what do you mean youve decided to get a frame...what the heck does that mean?
  2. Greetings Farrell, good luck no thursday fella, not that you'll need it eh
  3. I suggest you dowload an owners manual for a YBR125, perhaps that will give info on certain things...the battery spec for example Here http://ymenvom.crestec.nl/new/manuals/U5YJE0.PDF
  4. 380 dollars for a kickstart lever! LMFAO http://www.ebay.com/itm/281449738118?item=281449738118&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME:SS:SS:GB:3160&vxp=mtr
  5. Airhead


    Great report mate, enjoyed reading it. for those of us who dont know...It would be best with a couple of pictures I reckon
  6. blipping the throttle is always a good thing when downshifting, much less clunky...experiment...you'll see what I mean
  7. Airhead

    yamaha ag 175

    you wont need to por the tank unless it's leaking The stones and vinegar is a good idea followed by a good dry out and again followed by a good rinse out with rust converter such as 'Jenolite' if you can get that in Oz.
  8. Sure you should get a manual but I would think the problem is more likely fuel than valves. Adjust the idle speed using the idle adjust screw, generally it's big screw and often has a knurled edge to grip between your finger and thumb...cant mistake it Clockwise to increase engine speed and you shouldnt have used the cable tension to achieve this, the cable needs a smidges of slack with the throttle closed
  9. Airhead

    yamaha ag 175

    Ahh right, I thought you'd used it as well as a gasket
  10. you need to find out what the fixing hole centres are as compared to your's ?
  11. Airhead

    yamaha ag 175

    cant understand why you glued on the clutch cover? even more so when you have to open it again soon
  12. Hi! I just signed the petition "Peak District National Park Authority: We call on the Peak District National Park Authority to stop imposing Traffic Regulation Orders on our Green Lanes" on Change.org. It's important. Will you sign it too? Here's the link: http://www.change.org/p/peak-district-national-park-authority-we-call-on-the-peak-district-national-park-authority-to-stop-imposing-traffic-regulation-orders-on-our-green-lanes?recruiter=153298545&utm_campaign=signature_receipt&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition Thanks! Paul
  13. good suggestion tommy but it might not be the old bullet style connector so perhaps not that easy?
  14. 2A8 is a 125 engine casing, has it got a 6 stud 2A7 Barrel (175) ?
  15. Hi Mike, Yeah you see the tubular junction box where one becomes two? well the top of this will pull off, It's quite stiff though. There's a slider inside of the tube with recess's for the various nipples now about that intro?
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