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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. forget dynamo lights mate those days have gone thankfully, anyway they were from a period in time before that bike was cobbled together in Nottingham Handlebar tape, buy it from bike shops, seat...DIY
  2. Airhead

    Supermoto rims

    how about you contact these? http://www.talon-eng.co.uk/products/
  3. you must have one hell of a garage mcf
  4. Ahh wiffy paint it fella
  5. no mate i've never had to rewind coils, always bought new ones if I needed one, you should take care to wind in the same direction as the original though. I recentl;y bought a used stator from ebay, I'll check out the high speed coil and if it's good you can have it if you want it?
  6. Yeah I'm fairly sure 18L is a DT175 number mate theres an aussie forum shaun, might be useful for you? http://www.yamahait.com.au/forum/index.php/board,25.0.html
  7. Airhead

    Supermoto rims

    As a matter of interest...what about the accuracy of the speedo following a change of rim sizes?
  8. heres one http://i440.photobucket.com/albums/qq121/1783iana/DT175Pics016.jpg
  9. I love my poxy little 600 bandit
  10. maybe but it would take an awful lot of miles to cause any wear, can you really see a YR1 doing many miles these days...I cant
  11. The splitter's come apart as far as I know and the cable can be removed
  12. how many miles has the bike done? Get a compression test done in the 1st instance Matt
  13. yeah it regulates the oil pump by turning the pulley doesnt it?
  14. yes yes steve but did you ever find any 'soul' in the bandit
  15. Great post Pete, nice to see you call back in here mate. Yep were all jealous, we've had a great summer by our recent standards but alas it's over now hey that XT is looking nice how old is it?
  16. Greetings Lee yeah theyre a smart bike arent they...
  17. steering locks arent up to much, that type of bike has always been prone to theft so have some good loks on it, also try to not leave it in possible dodgy areas, beware of people in vans following you home and so on etc blahh blahh
  18. yeah on 2 strokes it is critical to have a good seal at the exhaust port, sort that and see how she goes then My DTR always ran real cool too hey how come your RE has a temp gauge I thought they dropped that on the RE's?
  19. could it be that way back...the piston broke because the crankcase was half full of coolant and you just fixed the symptom (broken piston) and not the cause (coolant in casing).......so now you are just seeing the coolent being chucked out the exhaust??????
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