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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Airhead

    yamaha ag 175

    cant you just de-rust it with some gravel then? https://www.google.co.uk/images?rlz=1T4NDKB_enGB577GB585&q=yamaha+rt180+intake&hl=en&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ei=YAdEVIGfIojB7Abw0YHQBg&ved=0CDAQsAQ
  2. could it be the carb just needs a little adjustment, a little turn of the throttle stop screw?
  3. Greetings Seb, not frightened of getting stuck in then, thats good. Final stages so she's back together now and you dont need any help, that's even better Greetings and
  4. That was my point, it's NOT like mine its a DT175E so the vin number begins with? 2A7??
  5. Yeah it looks great
  6. you just replaced the filter yet it's behaving like there's no filter in there! answers needed here was this problem evident before the filter change?? is it the correct one and seated right?? Can you compare it to the old one, or even put the old one back in to try??
  7. Yeah, the air filter and battery box is missing and you dont have it? 150 shouldnt be far out so give it a try, lift the needle one place too
  8. i'm going off the paint scheme, the number plate bracket and the silencer Jason
  9. Thats great news elsie,... Hey 'Atlanta Fettler' use it as a profile signature
  10. This forum is to introduce yourself, ! and you liked your first post lol...I didnt
  11. yeah I was kinda thinking there may be an air mixture screw under that anti-fettler cap so tell us about the carb and to what degree you have cleaned it, did you completely dismantle it and ultrasonic bath it, did you spray carb cleaner down every orifice, did you blow compressed air through them????
  12. Had a shit night, bike broke down coming home from work...clutch cable snapped
  13. 2003 Sam, sold it in 2011 only a year after the photo with just 2000 miles on it
  14. yeah its a bloody nightmare with those cars and their high powerd lights, glad I dont have to commute unlit roads...Take care and get that light upgraded asap
  15. It's far too good to warrant any restore, we just need to sort the idle out now an I would recommend you remove that restrictor for better performance, we'll deal with that later.
  16. this was mine, It's very rare a nikon race pipe http://youtu.be/kVZHj9QYxdU
  17. Hey you can post pics and videos Never seen one of those, I have my own thought on that though so I'm waiting for an answer, can you get it to idle using the throttle grip then?
  18. if you twist the throttle a barely noticeable amount the revs increase...Right?
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