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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. So with the engine running, if you switch main beam on, engine dies instantly What happens with engine running and dipped headlamp? With engine not running do both dipped and main beams work ok? On the diagram, it shows the bike has no headlight on /off switch, so they are permanently on this agrees with what you stated in your initial post, that they are as you said "running lights", According to the diagram the only time they go off (Whether dipped or main beam) is when the starter button is being pressed, Which does make sense as maximum power from the battery would be needed to turn the engine.
  2. You could do with giving it to a good engineer to have a look at, do you know anyone who works in an engineering workshop or garage etc. Where are you BTW?
  3. Sounds like the fuel is not getting through' take off the pipe from the carb and verify a good fuel flow from the tap
  4. Hard luck Mikey sorry to hear that, we know its the nerves that make us do things wrong, good luck next time and at least you know the drill now
  5. When bumpstarting try a fairly steep hill, get someone to assist put bike in 3rd gear, choke on, fuel tap on, crack the throttle only slightly (It wont start with fistfulls of throttle), build up some speed and dump the clutch...Hey Away she goes... (I hope)
  6. What facility does the bike have for cold starting, starter jet? choke? are these working? Also have you tried to bump start it?
  7. Airhead

    US Yamaha Forum

    Come on, give him a break, after all he only said he joined the other site posted a load of stuff got no replys then found us and he's happy...So whats wrong with that?
  8. Me too, and check to see if it needs a rebore.
  9. Theres a manual on ebay Here There will be an electric circuit diagram in there
  10. So he wasnt a police biker who was testing the performance of his bike and "Honing his skills" then? Isnt it funny that stunts like this give us all a bad name, yet when it happens in a car, the same doesnt apply!
  11. Double post http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php...amp;#entry61098 But were singing the same song
  12. Good to hear that azza, enjoy your bike and take care on it and of it!
  13. Glad to hear you got it sorted BS, might be a bit of blowback through the reed valve at those high revs, I think this could possibly introdue a bit of back pressure that could cause the overflow, and anyway since youre after max performance why not fit some boyesen reeds...Or of course as you have said it might be vibration thing with the float valve
  14. Yes, they will slice the plug so its level with the inside of the tyre and patch over it, I had it done on a Suzuki Bandit and it worked fine until the tyre wore out. The tyre bay people will advise you if for some reason they dont think its safe, as they can see it and we cant!
  15. Why not take them out and take them to a bearings wholesaler such as BSL, they will have numbers on them.
  16. BTW Your post is for a 175MX and your bikes owned is a 125MX
  17. You will need to buy a half wave rectifier diode now, on the schematic it shows a flat plate 'selenium' rectifier, Those were the days
  18. You need to put a bigger jet in with that Gianelli pipe fitted, its less restrictive than the original one, standard jet is a 130, you would be wise to buy the next two sizes up, i think thats a 135 and a 140. I would put the 140 in first and plug chop it. You would be wise to get Stan Stevens to do the work rather than do it yourself, if you do...let me know how it goes, i considered doing it myself but havent got around to it.
  19. Have you seen This post? You need to increase the main jet size, what size have you got fitted? You could also try a set of Boyesen reeds
  20. Personally i would only use a standard piston in a standard bore and a +0.25mm piston in a first bore, again with the correct rings
  21. Not familiar and without pics will have to guess, so a guess it is...Slacken off the wheel nut and using an allen key, turn the adjusters clockwise just a little, move each one by the same amount. A little adjustment makes a big difference so dont overdo it. Check for correct chain slack and re tighten wheel nut, replace splitpin as necessary
  22. A big HELLO from me to another new one
  23. Airhead


    Go to Ebay, search for rxs100 tank then save this search, Ebay will email you when one comes along.
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