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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. What size jet is standard and what size did DEP say to increase to?
  2. You may need to jet up, what does DEP recommend for your bike? You are risking serious damage if it needs jetting up so you should stop using it until you find out and do it.
  3. Alex, thats coz the knowlegeable people havent had YBR125's!! Does it have a power valve, that would do it, also my Bandit does it but its summat to do with the speedo and rev counter, they do a dance when you turn the key on, dont know why but you can hear that too, only it doesnt annoy me like yours does you
  4. Just go to a race meeting, record it on your ipod, and listen to it on your way home
  5. Mine says...Getting on a bit Well at least the present one does
  6. Has someone accidentally stuck a 12v bulb in the slow side?
  7. If its a copper gasket and youre in a hurry, get a blowtorch hold the gasket with some long nosed pliers and heat the gasket around its circumference until it glows red, this will soften (anneal) the copper and is good for using head gasket one more time, Dont forget to use a torque wrench on the head nuts, If you use too much force on these old bikes you can pull the studs out of the threads so use the recommended torque setting.
  8. A successful businessman flew to Vegas for the weekend to gamble. He lost the shirt off his back, and had nothing left but a quarter and the second half of his round trip ticket - he went out to the front of the casino where there was a cab waiting. He got in and explained his situation to the cabbie and promised to send the driver money from home but to no avail. The cabbie said "If you don't have fifteen dollars, get the hell out of my cab!" So the businessman was forced to hitch to the airport and was barely in time to catch his flight. One year later the same businessman returned to Vegas and this time he won big. Feeling pretty good about himself, he went out to the front of the casino to get a cab ride back to the airport, and at the end of a long line of cabs, he saw the very driver who had refused him a ride when he was down on his luck. He thought for a moment and got into the first cab in the line. "How much for a ride to the airport," he asked? "Fifteen bucks," came the reply. "And how much for you to give me a blowjob on the way?" he added. "What??? Get the hell out of my cab!!" The businessman got into the back of each cab in the long line with the same result. When he got to his old friend at the back of the line, he got in and asked "How much for a ride to the airport?" The cabbie replied "fifteen bucks" to which the businessman replied "ok" and off they went. As they drove past the cabs in the long line, the businessman gave a big smile and thumbs-up sign to each driver
  9. The headlight only works when the engine is running because it runs from the magneto. You will notice a small pilot lamp in there, that will work without the engine running. Cant remember about indicators but i think that although they should work without the engine running...in reality there may not be enough uumph in the battery until you start the bike (its been a long time since ive had indicators on mine)
  10. Hi fazerfrog, I know you said all the jets are clear but...Check the pilot jet / jets. all the signs of blocked pilot jets there, could also be a blocked bypass hole.
  11. The casing is black anyway the bezel is chrome so nitromors it and see what its like underneath , pictures would help.
  12. headlight all black? what does that mean, all the reflective finish has gone? I bought one for myself and one for a friend, so that only leaves me with my old one (which is still on the bike), the grilles are hard to find and fetch good money, you just have to keep looking, ive also seen clocks on ebay from time to time, havent you got clocks either?
  13. Are you looking for new or used, new still available occasionally but dont come cheap, used you will find more often. I have bought two new headlamps in the last year, just keep looking on ebay. Whats up with yours then?
  14. Airhead

    FZR Carbs

    Yes i expect so, balancing the carbs is just to make sure that all of them operate at the same time. its mighty brave of you to be tackling a job like this with no experience tho, hopefully someone who has worked on these will join in, my bikes only got one carb so no need to bother with balancing there then
  15. Airhead

    FZR Carbs

    First check your air filter as a dirty filter will cause rich running, float height too high also a possibility, last option is worn needle jets or emulsion tubes, see Here. Compressed air line, cotton buds, toothbrush and carb cleaner aerosol are useful tools to use.
  16. Airhead

    Hello all

    hello and welcome branman.
  17. best of both worlds, a dt125X...dirt bike with road tyres...supermoto fashion , mmm nice
  18. Airhead

    Hello :)

    ok then £70 sounds good to mee too, but dont throw away your old barrel, do the homework, find out who will rebore it! One other thing is youre in a rush to fix this bike but what caused the problem, seizures are caused by several things but usually these thing cause severe over heating, you should check you auto lube pump is working and the cable hasnt come adrift, also a plug chop would be a good idea when its done, but thats difficult after a rebore because you will have to run it in for a while.
  19. Airhead

    Hello :)

    ive never heard anything so daft as that, how much are you going to pay for a barrel then? if the lazy bas**rd shops in your area cant get it fixed, then go directly to the engineering workshops, find out the original size of the bore and get the damage bored out, oversize pistons usually come in +.25mm increments.
  20. Airhead

    Hello :)

    Ifs called a cylinder, or English slang... a barrel, or American slang ... a jug. If you take it into any good bike shop, they will no doubt be able to get it re bored for you, have you looked at prices for new barrel v's rebore?
  21. Airhead

    Hello :)

    Are you getting a re-bore done then?
  22. Airhead

    Hello :)

    Wrong answer!, try to find a reason before fitting a new piston, hows the bore? or the same might happen again, it didnt happen for no reason, i want you to love your dt not hate it
  23. Pictures would help, but surely you can slacken the bar clamps and pull them back a bit...not forgetting of course to re-tighten them.
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