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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Well if youve got sparks, and got fuel then all you need is compression, you will have to do a compression test. It might be worth squirting a drop of oil into the spark plug holes, just to give it that initial seal to start though. Could the rings / bores be worn, done a lot of miles?
  2. Incredible job Mervin, Hats off to you mate!
  3. Are the plugs getting wet with fuel on these starting attempts, have you checked for spark, is the choke mechanism working?
  4. On my DT the headlamp body fits on a central peg at the top and is held tight by a central screw at the bottom, quite a good idea really as you just loosen it and swivel the lens assembly toward the kerbside the re tighten it, thats what i love about mine, full of clever little designs...shame the light's crap though! could yours be the same?
  5. Can you take the fuel pipe off the carbs to check the fuel pump is working?
  6. Worth a try here maybe woody
  7. Try a new plug cap on the bad side
  8. Assuming its a 12v bulb, you will get one from any car accessory shop, or bike shop or possibly as you said, petrol stn.
  9. Dont you sleep then? or does it tick over in the lounge all night? Anyway, yours is a vacuum tap so doesnt count
  10. Fairinuffsky, but they are a one off for this bike only i think, so you will be lucky if they do them! Edit, Did have a look and no surprise...They aren't listed.
  11. Didnt know you had a DT175MX!! Do you have ebay in Oz?, they come up now and again on ebay here!
  12. Airhead


    I know a good paint sprayer, distance no object
  13. You can wheelie almost anything if you give it enough revs sit well back and dump the clutch in first gear, but it will only impress the very young And if you dont get it right you may end up sat in the road minus bike, but hey nothing ventured nothing gained eh! **I cannot be held responsible for any action taken after this message has been read**
  14. Hi Hasan, My DT175MX has all those little problems too, max 65- 70mph, 6 volt electrics and like yours a fully functioning oil level light, And....I love it! As for doing 75 on one of these, I say...Dont believe all you read!
  15. I think you missed yodas point there, valve inners can be replaced with no expense, but valves cut through can only be replaced at great expense!! Not that i'm suggesting....just...clearing up....a...point.
  16. Considering the problems with it I think you paid a little too much for this, If I were paying that amount of money I would be expecting the bike to be in good condition with all the equipment functioning properly! Right, having said that! Its difficult to comment on the head lights, I expect the lights now fitted arent proper vehicle lights and will not give the right beam pattern, I think you should put back the original headlight ASAP, Mirrors are a benefit to the rider, I dont think they have to be fitted by law, but riding without any at all is madness and dangerous, so I reckon you should buy these also and a speedo cable, just get it all back to standard, i dont think your GPS speedo will be acceptable if a policeman pulls you over!!
  17. Names...We want Names!!!................................................ McWho?
  18. Airhead

    Hello to all

    Hello and welcome Daz
  19. Yep thats exactly the same set up as mine, you will also have a pilot light in your headlamp that doesnt need the engine running. The headlamp main and dipped are running from the magneto.
  20. Hi Mike, Is that all lights including tail lights and instrument lights?? Dunno the specifics of your RXS but my DT headlamp needs the engine running as it is powered from the magneto but tail and(headlamp, pilot) and instrument lights work off the battery. does your horn work(or try to work) from the battery ok without the engine running?
  21. With the nut off, the flywheel should be still fixed in the correct place because there will be a keyway holding it fixed on the shaft. You would need a puller to get it off the shaft so removing the nut would not have caused this problem. put the nut back on its not that thats the problem!
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