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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Hi not familiar but the obvious answer assuming youve got the right viscosity oil, is theres too much in there, is there a dipstick or a fill level plug?
  2. Must have missed that bit, well yes then, youve got room to change the gear ratio again. One other thing though, make sure your brakes are kept in top class condition, because all this extra speed will need them to be good, theyre drums are they? Jetting as well, but you know that.
  3. Crikey, do they still make those? I remember seeing them at Manchester bike shows back in the 70's
  4. Wish i did, would love a go on one.
  5. Kawasaki Z1 900, Still remember the healines, 133mph. absolutely incredible in its day and they look the mutts nuts even all these years later
  6. It sure clears a blocked nose though
  7. So i expect youre going to spray it yourself then, yes its painted from the factory so paint stripper and a selection of wire brushes both powered and hand would do the job, might take a while, but who cares, refurbs shouldnt be rushed. if you do use paint stripper, wear goggles and also with the wire brushing, you wouldnt want that stuff in your eyes! Might be an idea to paint a layer of rust cure solution on the bare frame before re-painting too, you will need to suspend the frame from something (tie it up to the rafters) so you can spray all over including underneath, give it all a wipe down with a lint free rag thats dampened with white spirit to clean and de grease it before the rust cure and painting process.
  8. You will only gain more speed down hill with a tailwind, up hill you will have to change down a gear so wont be any faster, might even be slower, ask blackhat about his Garelli! that would blow away an FS1E (back when jesus was a boy), but when top gear selected it would die a death, i remember it well! If youre going to continually seek a higher gear, sooner or later youll need more power to cope with it!
  9. This thread is short of a good picture for those that dont know the bike...quite a radical styling they have
  10. Airhead

    Hello People

    Hello from me too, Thundercats are a great bike, be careful on it woncha!
  11. Thats what i was getting at, how do you know it was nicked? Might have just come unscrewed if it werent nipped up, if this happened the inner cable could fall out!
  12. Because happiness is bugs on your teeth.
  13. does the"piping" screw on with a knurled ferrule?
  14. Thats an easy one to eliminate if your petcock has an off position, just switch the fuel off and see if the situation improves as the fuel level falls in the float bowl, of course it will run out later but might give an insight into fuel level too high! Also try sdjusting you mixture dcrew as per spec for this bike
  15. Airhead

    The X Factor

    we all know where youre coming from here and normally i would agree, except that Leone Lewis, now she IS a winner in my eyes
  16. Airhead

    NOT Happy

    The way i see it is If you park a vehicle where you shouldnt, then you have commited an offence in the eyes of te law, if you then find your vehicle has been taken away and impounded, then thats just tough and you can expect to have to pay to get it back, we all know that this is common practice! But in you case you are the victim of a crime and your vehicle has been impounded to take prints, now why should you have to pay for this, seems to me you are being treated no better than someone who commits parking offences, rather than a victim! I should do what Goff says and kick up a fuss in the right places if i were you.
  17. Google parkers guide for a price
  18. mo peds dont exist anymore, when they did they were 50cc and equipped with pedals thats why they were callled mo-peds, if you want better performance , either A: Check out what "YamaHead" said.or B: Trade it in for a DT125
  19. Hi, did you ever look at the useful infoHere?
  20. Hello and welcome Paul, Whats an XT600x, is it a supermoto like DT125X?
  21. Ed was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was really upset. She told him 'Tomorrow morning I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in under 10seconds AND IT HAD BETTER BE THERE.' The next morning Ed got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out of the window and sure enough there was a small box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway. Confused, she put on her robe, ran out on to the driveway and picked up the box. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.
  22. Hi Vitorcosta theres a manual Here the sight glass is on section 6 page 11 (6 - 11) As for a steering lock, its probably not worth the bother, they are no better than a disk lock, probably not as good, a good D lock is better still
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