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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. No sorry i dont know anything about R6 clutch lever, but hey! its only a lever so it wont be hard to replace, you just need to source a new or better still a pattern one, hopefully other R6 owners will respond, but being Xmas it may be a bit quiet for a while
  2. Aaghh, so sorry to hear this news, hope you make a full and speedy recovery and glad to see it hasnt dented your spirits too much, looks like youre going to be out of action for a while. Hope you can still enjoy your Xmas holiday.
  3. Hi, bad luck that but you may be able to get a pattern one to replace it, try wemoto, or m&p
  4. The bike was produced fro 1978 until 1983, i'm fairly sure that the round swing arm was only on the firt year of production, thats why i said ask for a 1981 bearing set, by the way, have a look at motolink, or wemoto or redrose retrobikes they sometimes have spares at a good price
  5. Hi, if youre going to use frame #063038 then you will need to use the square section swing arm, also this version had a different air box and oil tank set up, the oil tank will be on the right of the bike for a square sct swing arm version. You should find that swing arm bushes are still available, say its for a 1981 bike with square sect arm.
  6. Welcome to the forum Dana.
  7. Airhead


    Hi Andy and welcome to the forum.
  8. Airhead

    yamaha xs 400

    MerryXmas Graham, welcome to the forum.
  9. Airhead

    FZ 1

    The seat is the best option, lowering kits have side effects. use the search button to find lowering topics.
  10. Hi Simon, that is a job for the professionals not your average enthusiastc home mechanic me thinks!
  11. Welcome Richard, sounds like you got just what you wanted for Xmas
  12. Airhead


    Hi yogi, welcome to the forum, cant help with knowlege except i thing they look great if that helps
  13. Hi its worth asking Here even if they dont list, get in touch and ask, its worked before
  14. Hi donny, if its a magneto ignition it will spark if you disconnect the ignition switch, it will also have just one wire to the coil i think.
  15. Hi, lots of people have done it Here
  16. Well i was gonna say if you were just replacing bearings you will find the bearing numbers on the old ones, maybe if you have the old wheel you can remove the bearings from that and either use them if they are smooth, or get the numbers off them and get yourself some new ones from a bearings supplier, this would be cheaper than buying them from a dealer i expect. I must add that there is usually a spacer piece between the bearings and you will need to fit that also, if you dont you will damage the hub or bearings and compromise the handling of your bike!
  17. so your new wheel, is a brand spanking new wheel with no bearings in?
  18. so you dont do lateral thinking then, we moved on from his first post when he made a second one! or should we just accept his first post as a statement of fact? after all my back wheel doesnt move much either when the bike's on its side stand
  19. ERGO is the Euthanasia Research and Guidance Association, so just WHAT are you suggesting there?
  20. A picture might help Open a photobucket account Upload your pics there with each pic you will see four fields Copy the IMG field Paste into the forum
  21. Welcome to the forum Q What do you find in a gallery A Pictures Correctamundo, so wheres the pictures since this is the gallery section?
  22. Youve got to do some lateral thinking! If you cant push the bike coz the front brake is on then the back wheel wont turn, so...you 'think' the back brake is jammed on. :banghead:
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