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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. How thorough strip down then, are you saying you split the cases and removed the crank? did you put the piecce of ring you retrieved first against the piece you removed from the piston, surely this would have shown if there was any more missing?
  2. On the subject of carbs, you may find this useful Here
  3. Maybe the needle jet is worn they can wear oval which will make the bike run rich, have you stripped down the carb and noted the jet sizes and id markings and needle clip settings as is? Examinne the needle jet opening using a magnifying glass and also the needle, look for wear
  4. Nope...Thats definitely a biker....I was in the pub this afternoon "The Shakespeare" at the side of primark, couldnt stop staring in the windows, my mind must have been playing games with me
  5. I thought i already gave you this info
  6. Somehow when you say "really helpful advice" i dont think you mean it! I have read this again and stand by my advise not to power wash the bike, not worth the bother it caused from what i've seen.
  7. None of my exhaust is magnetic, Thats why i said to use a magnet!!
  8. I doubt if anyone is going to tell you...Dont worry, just go right on and ride with the oil light on even if it is likely that water caused it! More likely to get advise to stop using the jet wash and get the sponge and brushes out.
  9. Steve, hats off to you, youre young and extremely enthustiastic, you know how an engine works and how to fix it when it doesnt which is a lot more than most kids at your age do...and you only learned tiis stuff through a: wanting to improve things...and b: having the occasional mishap along the way keep on improving and learning
  10. I'm sittin here, packet of crisps in one hand, can of lager in t'other, and y'know what i'm thinkin?... Yep...i'm gonna ride my bike more this year
  11. Never mind that, you'll only miss the smell, have a word with blackhat250, hes selling his DT250 and you know how much you like them...and...it wont depreciate
  12. So....Where exactly is primark then ??
  13. Downpipes, are they Stainless steel, test them with a magnet (fridge magnet) to find out
  14. Taffny, that isnt your engine number, you got that from the barrel didnt you? Your engine number is on the RH crankcase next to where the clutch cover is This number should match the number on the frame steering head tube
  15. Hi'... if there is just one wire to the kill switch and you have a multimeter Unplug the switch from the loom connector Switch the meter to measure resistance (200 Ohms scale) measure between the wire to the switch and chassis earth point With the kill ON or STOP, there should be no (1 or 2 ohms) resistance With the kill OFF or RUN, there should be high (open circuit) resistance Only do this if there is a single wire to the kill switch You can do a test by by-passing the switch Disconnect the switch Start the engine Using a piece of wire, short out the socket of the connector (loom side) to chassis...This should stop the engine and in effect is all that the kill switch does As i dont have a wiring diagram i have assumed that this bike is a magneto ignition system
  16. Airhead

    oh FFS

    Sreve, did you use your wallet when you bought the new rings...just a thought.
  17. They will tanish if you dont polish them, i use solvol autosol on mine for a good shine.
  18. Airhead


    How will changing the lwver make it easier to pull then? Has your lever got a 'Reach' adjuster and have you set right?
  19. Airhead


    Would be great to see pics, by coincidence weve got another noob, who wants one of those, i expect he'll be in touch
  20. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +1 on that
  21. Airhead


    Hi russ and welcome, whats your DT400 like?
  22. How is this lowering ourselves, if the conclusion of this is that grasping Gary finds out that bikers dont like being blatantly ripped off the good...that'll do nicely thanks. i would just like it if someone gan get him to say (lie) about how much he paid. He thinks he saw one sold for £130 and that why he paid £45 for this to sell on at £125. I think hes been scammed and witnessed not a real sale, then paid £45 which is also over the odds...the guys a muppet and deserves all he gets
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