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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Airhead


    Hi Mark, Just try pulling out the choke as you throttle up, if it works ok now , sounds like a carb strip and clean to me, make sure all the jets are clean, dont forget the needle jet and all the little air bleed holes in the side of it, you can get an aerosol carb cleaner from your local motor factors shop.
  2. Sean that bike is a credit to you well done, a quite fantastic job for a 17 year old, you get my vote, hope to see you around.
  3. Nah, go to bed OT, you'll only get a bad back
  4. Airhead

    F*ckin amazing

    WOW..Now dont try this at home children!!
  5. Airhead


    OK some of you are suggesting the rod bending or even snapping, I think it more likely that the the ball bearing is missing. What would then happen is the rod would spin round as the clutch was operated, this would then create heat at the adjuster (worm lever) end and wear the rod away at that point. The evidence of this would be iron filings around the actuator mechanism, did you notice any Gav?
  6. +1^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yep, your only post on this forum is asking us to vote, might have been wise if you'd joined in a bit before asking for the vote
  7. As all the above, decline their offer and get prices for the equivalent age and model bike, they should replace like with like, they are just trying it on with their first quote Having said that I found an 08 with 1600 miles for just £5500 Here
  8. Airhead


    Hi gabby, welcome to the forum, that quite a collection of bikes you got there!
  9. Airhead

    car drivers

    Thyre not gonna get hurt as much, thats why some (not all) drive like that! Just expect each and every one of them to cut you up or pull out from a side street in front of you and you will be ready for the ones that do!....SURVIVE It doesnt help being on a fifty either, you get pushed into the gutter because you cant command your patch so well due to the lack of power, it gets better when you get a bigger bike, Then...no one shoves you into the gutter!!
  10. Airhead


    See you got your sig up now, but its too big mate, remove it and see below Please can you ensure that any images in signatures do not exceed 80 pixels in height, this will make sure that threads are much easier to read. Thanks
  11. Airhead


    Have you got a manual, look in there, I'm sure there should be a ball bearing at the clutch end of the push rod
  12. Airhead


    I am not familiar with your particular bike but my DT175 has a ball bearing at the end of the push rod, I dont see any reason why yours should be different, this may be the problem, here is a picture of mine, you can see what I mean here, we need to get a parts diagram for yours, what year is it?
  13. Airhead


    Theres something seriously wrong here, what year is your bike? is there a ball bearing at one end of the rod?
  14. Airhead


    Thats incredible, how on earth can you get them so easily? dont you have to order them? what happens?... explain further!
  15. You would need a big bore kit, this is a piston a cylinder and i think...a head too, ask Wild foamy, he's been there and done that, he will tell you what you need to know.
  16. Yes you can, look for Wild Foamy's threads, he did it but unfortunately it didnt last long after that.
  17. Airhead

    new here

    Welcome to the forum
  18. You can drain the oil and use different viscosity (thicker) oil in them, get youself a manual the info will no doubt be in there.
  19. Waay too much info is that why you're known as Drewpy then???...............
  20. Demand a courtesy bike!
  21. Airhead

    All At Sea

    Nice one Steve, never been to a beach race but hoping to go to the Mablethorpe event in March
  22. Airhead

    phone call

    I sleep with my mobile under the pillow too...I think the fairy thinks I've got falsies!
  23. Your looks absolutely mint OT
  24. You do need a new battery, you should have disconnected your battery, especially if you have an alarm, if you had disconnected it, you just might get away with it for two months without a charge.
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