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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. you cant do the big end yourself, its a specialist job and needs pressing equipment and fine measuring equipment, there are firms out there that will check and rebuild cranks, look in CMM magazine...
  2. Airhead

    How do

    Welcome to the forum Nathan
  3. Airhead

    SR500 no go

    Sometimes its worth a squirt of oil through the spark plug hole, this aids compression on a bike that has been standing...
  4. Just a few more pics of the bikes there.
  5. I went in the end, rode down with drewpy and the others from part way, there was loads of the usual old relics there but one was missing...
  6. Airhead

    Passed test

    Well done and welcome to the forum, keep the black on the mac and enjoy your new bike...
  7. Jim said earlier to check the pickup coil , check it cold, then check it when it cuts out, pickups have a habit of open circuit-ing when they are faulty and hot. That would be a good place to look.
  8. Foamy's got them all over the back of his helmet...
  9. If they are as cheap as that, it might be an idea to get some for spare.
  10. Great news and they're Brushes (Carbon Brushes) not bushes...
  11. Hmm doesnt sound good after what I've read in the past, that a heck of an engine to crank over and it seems the starter motor isnt always up to the job, hope its not too serious but you better read...This Why not pop into the bar and announce youre arrival here...
  12. Well...Nice knowin ya Keith... Mervs right though, loads of expertise on your bike there... Welcome anyway.
  13. You could get them from yamaha or possibly give Electrex a call to see if they do them for your bike Here ...Paul
  14. I dont know the bike, do you have to get it off to get to the brushes?
  15. Before you go down the route of a new one, are you sure its the motor at fault, or does it have brushes that just might need replacing?
  16. +1^^^^^^^^^^^ The proper puller screws into the centre of the flywheel, you will see a thread there.
  17. so just confirm that it has two heavy duty connectors and you bridged those. also connect a jump lead from battery negative to an engine mounting bolt, just to eliminate a bad earth fault.
  18. If you are happy with the connections you could try bridging the heavy duty connections on the starter relay, use something that will take a big current such as a battery jump lead, if the starter motor turns ok then the starter relay must be at fault if not then the starter motor is at fault.
  19. Sounds like it might be either an ignition coil fault, or an ignition pick up coil fault, faulty coils have a knack of going open circuit as they become warm.
  20. Most likely a bad connection, the click you hear is probably the solenoid relay, check the connections on the battery terminals and on this solenoid relay make sure they are clean and not loose. also applies if there is any ground cable from any engine mounting to battery.
  21. Great story chappers.
  22. I've seen your picture...you must have lost a lot of weight for the photo shoot...
  23. Airhead


    Yep, I'm sure you will get some good tips here, is it something specific or just pre-MOT things to check ? BTW Kendo Phil popped in the other day told him to go away before he broke something...
  24. Check for loose connections on the exhaust and carb manifolds...
  25. Airhead


    Well fancy seeing you here, welcome Ian...have you saved me any cake???...
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