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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. This 'gauge' you mention, is it the glass window type that is common to many bikes? the usual way is to have the bike on the centre stand on a level surface, if no centre stand is fitted then get someone to sit on the bike for you whilst you look. Also sometimes the oil quantity is written in the casting near to the fill hole. or it should be in the owners manual. ...Paul
  2. Airhead

    XJ550 Advice

    Sorry to hear youve had such a bad year SRJ, wondered what happened to you and glad to see you on the forum again hope things buck up for you soon Dunno anything about the bike in question though, is it near enough and have you got the means to collect it? a close inspection of the chain and sprockets and tyres would be nice (or ask the seller) if he says they are worn you need to factor that in too. As for the ebay sale, it seems cheap but he's got a reserve on it so its not likely to go for £100 PS...the red wheels look naff IMO
  3. Welcome crash, lots of expertise here http://www.yamaha-xt500.com/phpBB/portal.php ...Paul
  4. This statement suggests you have run onto reserve This also kinda does...until you say theres plenty gas in there or it may have a blocked mesh screen on the longest tube from the petcock inside the gas tank.
  5. Q1...Use a good quality adjustable spanner then Q2...As with all Yamahas the right side mirror has a left hand thread. This is because should you fall off on the right side the mirror arm wont shear off in the thread...it will just slacken slightly...(least thats my theory)
  6. Welcome to the forum pepperami...
  7. Yamabyss...a forum to speak your mind and give it LARGE!!! Workshop...a forum to get your bike fixed Indicators shouldnt be that difficult to fix with a wiring diagram and multimeter. Are you telling the full story? NOT LED mods?
  8. Never had a water pumper myself but youre right to be cautious, watch out for milky colour in the gearbox oil too
  9. Airhead

    Just Joined

    Welcome to the forum '2 wheels', now you can write some stories of your own ...Paul
  10. Have a good one Darren
  11. Airhead


    Down shep...thats a dt125mx
  12. Hi johnny, dunno what evidence you have that the problem is the transmission (ie gearbox) but you need to eliminate the clutch as the problem...select third or fourth, rev the bike and let the clutch out with the brakes applied...the engine should stall, if it doesnt then the clutch is the problem. as for the poll, goes without saying really bike looks good and has sentimental value too so get it fixed ...Paul
  13. Many bikes have a 'knack' to starting them, it could be that you just dont have this 'knack' yet with your bike and there is nothing really wrong with it. take the plugs out and put them in the oven to dry out for a while, leave them out overnight so the fuel can evaporate from the cylinder bores. Then try again...try it with choke and no or very little throttle twist. ...Paul
  14. Could be water in the float bowl, the main jet sits the lowest so could be blocked with water and the pilot jet is higher and in petrol, that could be why it dies on bigger throttle openings...ie when the main jet should come into play...drain the float bowl and try again...if that doesnt fix it then maybe the main jet is blocked.
  15. Have you tried swapping front to back with the bulbs? just to eliminate blown bulbs.
  16. Why do you say this...what have you seem? Instructions for posting pics are in the FAQ's section.
  17. Good to hear its fixed That would have been the first thing I did after the new bulb didnt work ie check the 'new' bulb with the meter.
  18. Generally workshop manuals say that everything else should be checked first and give details about what to do and what resistance values you can expect to find on the various coils etc. Only after all this has been done do they say substitute the CDI for another...they never give a way of testing although there will be one. You can pay for this service at West Country Windings though this post may be useful too
  19. Course it can...but there again it could be another reason, it could even be that the new bulb jou put in is no good! you really need a wiring diagram (usually found in manuals), a multimeter and an understanding of both these things to begin fault-finding properly...otherwise its just buying other bits like a relay and taking pot luck
  20. Confused...what do you mean "high beam works n dip works " ,?
  21. its no use going to the most expensive part if you havent got a spark...you must do that one last and check everything else first, there will be various coils to check...a kill switch?...dunno get a wiring diagram first
  22. Dont know and i doubt you will get the answer you are looking for. i suggest you buy the correct ones, it will be much easier, i had a look on ebay...they are not too expensive, just contact the sellers and ask if they will post to you and get a price for that...good luck.......ebay clocks http://shop.ebay.co.uk/i.html?LH_PrefLoc=2&_nkw=(xj600%2Cxj%20600)%2B(clocks%2Cinstrument*)&Part%2520Type=Instruments%2520%2526%2520Gauges&_dmpt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&_fln=1&_ssov=1&_trksid=p3286.c0.m282 ...Paul
  23. Welcome...Yes a pic and serial number would help ...Paul
  24. is the fuel tap a vacuum operated one, if so did you refill the carb by switching to 'PRIME' ? is the vacuum pipe back on the manifold and with a good seal ?
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