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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Hi your bars are very likely to be 22mm standard, but why dont you just measure them? just close an adjustable spanner to the bars, remove it and measure
  2. Great idea mate, the little Honda will no doubt be upto the job. Do an oil change, and new battery chain & sprockets if needed. Shouldnt be too dear on this...Ooh and take a chain lube on the trip.
  3. Heres the adverisement i found
  4. Got myself a 2003 DT125R with low, low miles Didnt notice the speedo was in km/h though
  5. Have you got a neutral light on? Did you pull in the clutch lever? some bikes have interlocks, not sure about this one.
  6. I'm confused now, "Only starts the first time after I wipe the spark plug dry, and then it only turns but it does not start" now that does not make sense
  7. our 'Yamagod' is THE guy for manuals but i'm pretty sure there's one of those lurking somewhere in my PC, PM me your email and if i can help i will send it you,
  8. Eeek!! have to agree there but i know what the others are saying, some of them just get trailered around everywhere...a wasted opportunity those ones
  9. Its the MT-03 dude, nets is giving her a makeover (MT-03 is a bike)
  10. Has it ran out of petrol? Well we gotta start somewhere havent we
  11. It will get better in time i'm sure, meanwhile if you can...push the bike forward slightly as you engage first gear, this should help. Also check your oil level is correct.
  12. Shouldnt have drunk so much on ya birthday dude! me...I believe in 'Moderation'
  13. Dont think they would tell you though, people have asked this many times, for example they want to buy back the bike they once loved, could be more dodgy reasons too (present company excepted) so DVLA will keep schtum....good luck tho
  14. If you get a re-bore only trust the work to a trusted two stroke borers, if you can find one like this one here in UK (if possible) http://www.pjme.co.uk/acatalog/Cylinder_Re-Boring.html
  15. Thats a good point about chamfering the ports you must do this. I have never heard of a sleeve kit can you post a link to it next time you see it? As 'Cynic' said 68mm is likely be the last available size.
  16. Aah, the plug is black so that would indicate its a bit rich, a much better situation than lean. You should strip and clean the carb and make a note of the numbers on the jets, needle carb slide and clip position just in case you find a manual somewhere to reference to. I suspect that the problem is mechanical failure and not caused by carburation, has the bore been damaged? does it need a re-bore?. Check the bore wear before you order a new piston because it might have a worn bore and you would have wasted your money.
  17. Hi David, you will need to jet up for the pod filter, not familiar with the carb or jetting for your bike, sounds like one of the Aussie ones, but definitely get a few jets, start with the biggest.
  18. If the clutch plates are stuck the bike will lurch and stall...not 'Bog Down' as you described.It could be water in the fuel though! water is heavier than petrol so sinks to the bottom of the tank and into the carb, it sits in the bottom of the carb and blocks the main jet but leaves the pilot jet clear, thus idle is ok but the bike wont rev Remove the fuel pipe from carb and run some off using the 'Prime' position, then drain the float bowl and try again ...Paul
  19. Could it be coincidence? you may have disturbed something, if you have enough spare cut 12mm from the end of the HT lead, sounds like a possible electric / vibration issue. ...Paul
  20. yes i saw his reply Merv, still going to remove it though, it's part of other changes i'm doing not just something in isolation and i just have a hunch that removing it will help. Other mods are carburation, airbox and reeds. These bikes are in a pretty low state of tune as standard especially the early ones like mine I've had the bike for 27 years now so its long overdue some tinkering ( i know you'll understand )
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