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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Welcome Joe, good luck with the resurrection
  2. Sorry Merv, i've just been writing Tony blairs defence speech for tomorrow.
  3. Aah but if you're always unreliable then then you can be relied upon to be so, therefore you can now be categorised as being reliable and so cannot sue for being unreliable. On the otherhand if youre not always unrelable you must be reliable some of the time therefore you cannot class yourself as unreliable, so i'm afraid like before...you cannot sue
  4. Airhead

    yb 100 HELP

    I would sort out the revving issue first and then worry about the 'clonking' noise, it sounds like an air leak this has been documented many time, use the search facility.
  5. Black ones, and get some for the other.
  6. Pheeeeeewww! you sorted it Welcome along '@1reindeer' Nice bike.
  7. Its an MX125 not a DT125MX 1974, model code 402 I think
  8. If there is a leak, then if you hit it with WD40 you will hear a difference in engine speed / tone and so its a good tool to find where leaks are.
  9. Airhead


    Greetings motojackal
  10. Youve got a hell of a lot to thank me for, all donations gratefully accepted. Glad you got my 'Good Side'
  11. Airhead

    RD350 (F2)

    I dont know much about power valve bikes , i've only just got my first one and havent ridden it yet...however 'Cynic' does as he's had them before. What i'm wondering is this...Are there any seals connected to the rotating power valve or seals on the cover, the reasoning is that air can be drawn in through the breached seal giving the fart noises and explosions in the exhaust Opinions ?
  12. I use it all the time, no problem...mostly ebay but not always. Looks like its the only option though, Alexigno lives in Australia so posting cheques is out i suppose.
  13. Paid up members of this club get a 10% discount off their oil from Opie oils and on top of that a further 15% discount voucher code is available before the end of January http://www.opieoils.co.uk/showcategory.aspx?CategoryID=502&SEName=2-stroke-engine-oils
  14. Dont worry about it, the red colour means nothing. Just top up with semi synth. If youre really bothered syphon off the old stuff before you re-fill but dont blame me if you dont like the taste
  15. Hmmm, correct me if i'm wrong but Castrol R does NOT mix with anything and will require a thorough clean out followed by exclusive use of this, so I would stick to semi syth of a good brand.
  16. Here you go Mark, While you have the float bowl off, remove and check the pilot jet is clear because part of the symptom you describe points to this, also you may have an air leak, chech cylinder base gasket, head gasket and rubber inlet manifold by spraying with WD40 when its running
  17. Must admit i havent studied mine much yet .The owners manual only says 2 stroke oil. There are three types of oil 1 mineral oil (cheapest) 2 semi synthetic 3 synthetic I would use 2 or 3, ask others for recommendations on what they use.
  18. Welcome to the forum Sam, its a bit early to start diagnosing problems especially as you arent riding it yet. Its a two stroke engine and this means that it is designed to burn a little oil. somewhere on the bike is an oil tank to fill up with two stroke oil, and on the rev counter is a red oil warning light, this is always lit when the bike is not in gear...but if it is lit when in gear its time to top up the oil, conversely if its not lit when in neutral the bulb may have blown and must be corrected asap. Have you been given an owners manual with the bike? Have you got any guarantee? ...Paul
  19. Reminds me of Nora Batty's stockings
  20. Alo try Motolink they are a YZ specialist
  21. Wow 2wheels those pics were fantastic, what a beautiful place, youre lucky to have rides like that.
  22. Haha, you must have been one of these then now who were the others i wonder
  23. Hi mits Has your fuel tap got a 'Pri' position, if so try that for a short while then switch to 'on' As for the oven thing you never know, it wont do any harm but how much heat will be left when you screw them back into that very cold large mass of metal is debatable. If you do though just give a squirt of oil into each plug hole while the plugs are warming, this will help give a good seal as the bores have dried out from standing so long.
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