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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Coming along nicely Drewpy but ditch the headlight shroud thingy...it's dire What happened to the square swing arm for the fatter tyre ?
  2. Airhead

    1 Wing mirror

    Sure is mate, My DT175 has had one mirror from the day it was assembled, with a plug in the other thread just like the DRZ, seems a LH mirror was an optional extra, speaking of legal though, as far as I know you dont need to have ANY mirrors.
  3. if it has a mikuni flat slide carb then I 'Think' you will find it has a 240 as standard. I would recommend at least a 250 with aftermarket pipes, I've put that in mine and that's only got an aftermarket silencer. maybe it would be wise to buy two..a 250 and a 260 ? Try motocarb ...Paul
  4. It wont start with no compression. Take the plug out and put a little oil into the cylinder, this will seal the piston rings and restore compression.
  5. thats all cameron, I used a dremel and a cutting wheel, you'll need a small diameter one in order to gain access, wont need to jet up much if you are on a 130 try a 140...see how it goes. Thnx VeZ
  6. Airhead

    New but old

    Hi Lorain, welcome to the forum. Good to hear your getting back on two wheels, you chose a nice light and low bike to get back into it. Lets hope the weather doesnt spoil the experience this year. Yorkshire area ? That'll be somewhere between sheffield and scarborough then ...Paul
  7. My definitely dont stay on, if i kill the engine the lights front and back go out, they must be both generator fed...not very good for a 2003 bike eh? even my 1979 DT has the rear light from the battery and a pilot light from the battery up front.
  8. Going to work is a lot better yes, but coming home.........awesome! BTW Happy st Pat's day mate. Thats a bad cough VeZ, yep Renthal bars are a good mod, like the look of them myself too, maybe braided brake hoses too.
  9. "pics pics pics"...ok if you insist Boyesen reeds DEP silencer. The commute to and from work is a lot more fun lately
  10. 2 year old fuel...yuk!! drain it arnd fill with fresh. I've rcently got one of these bikes and my lights are also dim on idle, they even go out with engine stopped so they are obviously not fed from the battery. The indicators are though and they work fine from the battery.
  11. Airhead

    Fresh meat

    Welcome in Jeremy
  12. Yep, try putting a big spacer above the carb slide
  13. And look what this knob wrote Here Obviously he doesnt like bikers and thinks they all shouldnt have bothered. Daily mirror anybody ????
  14. I dunno but it's not usual, so long as the head and barrel will come off. More commonly a problem with four strokes due to large cylinder heads.
  15. Whooo! dont think mine has that one...when you get a new bike i'll have a look at that one. Theres one on ebay...Openshaw if you want a look i'll run you down at weekend. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260569660813&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  16. Second one? the black plastic bottle out the top of the inlet manifold is the one. they are always on the air side arent they?
  17. Hi and welcome Richard, sorry though I cant help with the scoot, hopefully someone will chip in. ...Paul
  18. Cheers Pat, There are several schools of though regarding the YEIS 'boost bottle' 1; To tune your bike up take it out, it's Yamaha's underhanded attempt to restrict your bike. 2: To tune your bike you need to fit a 'Boost bottle' as developed by Yamaha back in the 70's i'm with 2:, I dont believe that Yamaha would have developed these things and continued to fit them to their bikes with extra production costs if they are of no benefit, they certainly were developed as a tuning aid, never as a restriction. The benefit may be small, even un measureable but i dont believe they are detrimantal. The silencer is a different type altogether, its just a perforated tube with exhaust packing, quite commonplace. But the original is a different story, it is full of tubes to divert the exhaust gasses this way and that before it exits, there is a name for it that escapes me at the mo (its my age y'know) I would recommend you buy new or used another rather than mess with the one you have. Vez will post pics but havent taken any, it was going dark when I finished. As for the stickers yes i phoned them and they are all like that now so i'm past caring, still looks good.
  19. Did the rest of the work today. Fitted Boyesen 2 stage reeds, omitted the reed stops as not required. Modified inlet manifold, although i am sceptical that this is of benefit. 250 main jet. DEP silencer. Looks good, sounds good and goes really well for a 125. this is the bike I hoped I had bought back in January. Only thing left now is the snorkel but i'm going to cut it shorter rather than remove it completely...and the 3MB cylinder head.
  20. Airhead

    Hi All

    Welcome back Dav, I've got a 125 They say they'll do 80 you know
  21. Airhead


    Hi vav, like Drewpy said...or an air leak.
  22. i'll second that, just had my 175 barrel done PJME What a top quality job they made of it 38.000 miles on standard and 1st oversize, and no I dont try to do 80 for twenty minute stretches.
  23. Hi Greg, at a guess a blocked pilot jet in the carb, or a poor fuel supply due to dirty filter screens in the fuel tap. ...Paul
  24. Hats off to all who attended this event http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8566970.stm
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