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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. The only thing likely to do that would be the kickstarter return spring. I was kinda hoping you would see the fault when you removed the casing. Look at the kickstart return spring, if it is still located correctly it may be advisable to photograph it while it is in position for future reference. silvery oil is not good.
  2. I love the white ones, but they are best not photographed on snowy days
  3. Hi Chris, how about? Disconnect the battery pos lead Connect battery pos lead to a multimeter, red lead Plug multimeter red lead into 20A socket on meter Set meter scale to 20 A DC connect meter black lead to battery pos terminal Start bike using kickstart only, then you can witness if the battery is being charged by the current that is displayed on the meter. ...Paul
  4. The piston isnt seized so that is very good news. next job then is to drain the oil and remove the clutch cover casing to examine the kick start mechanism, hopefully you will identify the fault when you see in there.
  5. Dunno but you will presumably be going to a car spares shop to buy the replacements eh? Back when i were a lad they used to sell it by the yard and it had real copper strands. You may see something in your manual about the cap resistance so have a look there.
  6. One vulnerable area is where the HT cap screws on to the lead, if you have some spare, unscrew it and cut off around 20mm of the lead for a 'fresh' connection.
  7. Very nice Drewpy did you get the scarf and goggles to go with it ?
  8. Welcome si, its a competition 2 stroke MX bike yes? is it seized, what have you dome so far? i'm wondering if it has a special plated barrel, maybe having a word with professional re-borers would be wise ...try PJME Your boy is so lucky to get this ...Paul
  9. Bike looks nice and clean, sounded ok when rev'd too. I think the tickover (idle) seems a bit low I would have expected around 1100 rpm for this, that would mean adjusting just one screw which should be fairly prominent but I cant tell you more as I am not experienced with it.
  10. Ohh ok veZ i get it Any way I still dont agree, the way i see it in that case is that exhaust port is fully open all the time but then just offers a restriction in the exhaust. I might believe it though if each and every DTRE DTX does the same, that would be too much of a co-incidence.
  11. The thing is you need a special vacuum gauge and tubing to do it, not to mention some skill or experience, so it looks like you may just have to pay it or find someone who will do it for less...shop around dont just take the first offer eh?
  12. I dont buy that VeZ, your PV is fully open with the pulley slot and drilled hole aligned just like mine, it even settles down to the same position at idle...ie a little clockwise from fully open. but then goes further clockwise with increasing revs does it not?
  13. if you can...measure the resistance of the ignition coil both primary (LT) and secondary (HT) sides and make a note of the readings. Then when it cuts out repeat the test to see if it has gone open circuit. Repeat for pulse coil.
  14. I wouldnt be happy if it were mine, no matter if i had seen others on you tube vids. The PV is tied in with CDI and servo so either one of them is faulty, or the wire thing will put it right,
  15. you are supposed to torque them down, then torque them again later i think..was this done ? Could also be a faulty seal somewhere which stops the pressurisation, radiator cap seal possibly ?
  16. I would think the brushes are ok if the starter motor is doing its job...ie turning the engine. Check your spark plug gap is not too big. Ohh and you forgot to say hello ...Paul
  17. I think your head gasket has gone, have you torqued down the head nuts or re-checked them. If it is this youll be pissed off when you lose your new coolant.
  18. DONT!!! Leave it bypassed, that is very dangerous...get a new, or new used switch for your own sake or anyone you sell the bike to later.
  19. My guess is either spark plug, ignition coil or pulser coil are faulty. Try a new plug first as its cheap and easy.
  20. Hi and welcome to the forum Sounds like your sidestand switch is faulty or has a bad connection.
  21. Nice one Drewpy Vehicle details cannot be found so thats not good news, still it has to be worth a fiver to pursue further...no choice really. Only a slim chance it survived though i expect you know that.
  22. I'm sure there was a way of seeing if a vehicle is taxed, or indeed when the tax was due (date of liability). But i'm damned if I can find it now. Although this wont tell you where the bike is now it will give you some clue to its last use. Also print this off and enclose the fee, DVLA may or may not co-operate Request by an individual for information about a vehicle Also a good site to ask is Aircooled RD Forum Good bunch of lads on there. Good luck...Paul
  23. Dont you have any friends / family in GB who can post them to you?
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