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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Sorry to hear this mop head so what part of the country was it stolen in ?
  2. Anyone can post pictures in the forums If they know how
  3. 'YEIS' is Yamaha Energy Induction System A development yamaha made many years ago, some people dont think it does any good, but i think Yamaha probably know best. Also sometimes known as a 'Boost bottle'
  4. You sure it isnt YEIS ? a black box with nothing in it fits the bill here.
  5. Dont buy unless the combustion area is good, mines not perfect but some of them are in a terrible state from detonation and on ebay some unscupulous sellers may just post a pic of the top...YOU!! have to ask the right questions. Early LC's had a black painted square shaped head...quite different. This was off a DTRE they have been fitted to many bikes, TZR's TDR's DTR's as far as i know
  6. Clutches are adjustable, not just at the cable either. you should have a little free play in the clutch or the engine heat will expand the pushrod...followed by slip. ok i am making a few assumptions here but I suggest you get a manual and find out about adjusting the clutch on this engine. it may of course be too late now as if slipping is allowed and not dealt with immediately the plates can get hard and glazed and will need replacement anyhow.
  7. Welcome in muppet, getting a few DTers here now. Lots to do, I would start with ditch the fuel and flush out the tank. and strip / clean the carb.
  8. Thats a good point and posting a picure from the back of it isnt very revealing. Here's mine for DT175MX
  9. Can i see in one pic that you have an exhaust?
  10. Nice little project and most of the way there with the pics, next time copy the bottom box under your pic, its the one surrounded by Now if you want to explain something in pictures ...you can The exhaust might be a hard find, have you been looking?
  11. Have a read in FAQ's about posting pictures, it would be better if you learn to do them yourself,i did and now use it extensively to help with what i describe back later
  12. ok before we start what did you do to condemn the seals, how do you know they are faulty?
  13. Hey welcome Paul Lets have some pics of your DT project, quite a few DT fans here so you will get lots of help with it i expect. You need to give detailed info though, for all we know the battery is forked, so tell us exactly. why not start with the horn and brake light just for example. ...Paul
  14. Well i expect it to be similar to the 175. How much appetite have you got to do a full engine out and cases split. if you only plan on doing the seals alone I would attempt to do them with engine still intact and in the frame. Of course this does rather depend that your crank bearings are in good order this will save a lot of time. It's your call.
  15. Airhead

    new member

    Welcome Tobi, only three weeks off with a broken leg...thats fast. Like Drewpy says good intro, take it easy on the bike and enjoy the forum ...Paul
  16. Yes Ivan it sounds like clutch drag...haha drag...star Just make sure the level is correct, the oil will thin out when warm. Another tip is when slowing to a stop...snick it into neutral just before the bike becomes stationary, you'll find it easier.
  17. Airhead

    CBT passed

    Well done Ivan, next step big test and then a XVS650
  18. Magneto Black (Chassis) to CDI Black Magneto White/Red to CDI White/Red Magneto Brown to CDI Brown For the engine stop CDI Black/White to a switch and then back to chassis CDI Black to chassis CDI Orange to HT coil Other HT coil wire to chassis
  19. The magneto side will be the easiest. Why do you want to change them, have you found them to be faulty?
  20. It shouldnt be all that slow ! is it a DTR or a DTRE ? If its a DTR then has the restrictor been removed from the header?
  21. I think you would be lucky as DEP pies are very thin. You may have to buy another. If you go down the welding avenue then be prepared to bin it if it doesnt work, find a good welder and dont blame them if it doesnt work
  22. Drewpy has a small one, mine is bigger...but merv's
  23. Next job to do is replace my 3BN cylinder head with a 3MB version. 3BN 3MB Needs re painting but not in too bad condition, just a bit of metal debris in the squish, nothing that a rub down wont fix. I was asking about the strange squish area with the 3BN head, Phifi of the French forum Yam2stroke, told me it is to meet noise control standars and to limit detonation? I know...there shouldnt be detonation
  24. ok then, lets not waste any time on hello's what engine and frame numbers?
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