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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. have to ask the obvious here...is the tank full, or might it have run onto reserve?
  2. I always commute by bike (or bicycle) wherever possible, however if its extremely bad weather i will use the car.
  3. Hi dave.. Clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is the art of 'seeing' beyond the five senses. Clairvoyance is often called the 'sixth sense' or esp. It is related to the images ... Try as I may I need the engine number
  4. Airhead

    new to forum

    welcome in webi. ...Paul
  5. Welcome in Hobbes. I look forward to seeing the progress you make with the old DT. ...Paul
  6. Come on you two! Kev(up-yours) this is about gravel on the road, were not the clothing police are we, people ride in t shirts and shorts when its very hot Its a free country thank god. he knows the risks like we all do. Lets keep this about kevs fight with the council or whatever kevin (10529) your last post if it descends any further i'll close the topic.
  7. 1, you should have fitted a new filter to this old unknown quantity of an engine (easy to say now I know...but still!) 2, crank goes through the oil in the sump?..Does it? you sure?...ohh no youre not are you? I dont know either
  8. Paul, so this was a good engine before this right? how long have you had it / rode it? seems a bit drastic good one minute fooked the next...like something catastrophic, like not pumping oil. Now i'm wondering if you fitted the right oil filter, or whether it HAS to go in one way rather than the other? or less likely that the oil pump is not working?
  9. root these bikes are so tall i wouldnt recommend that method to a novice, will only end in tears. thats why I said two mates push
  10. Its a shame you dont have any hills near you, something I take for granted here. Best get two of your mates. Ignition on, select third gear you on the bike holding clutch in, choke on and just a crack of throttle opening. mates shove and when going at a good speed you let out the clutch, be careful the bike doesnt shoot off with you if it goes, mates continue to push until its running or they collapse...whichever happens first If it doesnt even fire, check for spark again and take note if the plug is wet with fuel. fingers crossed
  11. Airhead

    BAD DAY!!!!!

    If the piston is clouting a valve because the timing has slipped, this would be hard as a knock...wouldnt do the valve any good either. Check that timing.
  12. so is there an 'off' position on the tap? Many vacuum taps dont have this, the fact there is no vacuum means they are off. Check yours is turning off now or fix it ASAP
  13. Youre about as much use as a......... Hey welcome to the forum, I too hope you have a long stay, we love DT's on here ...Paul
  14. Now I know what you mean, hardly a spindle though...more of a plunger! I never heard of one sticking like that though.
  15. Welcome razza. fastest ever neos was over a cliff
  16. No nothing in there, at a guess I would say that would attach to another carb on a twin cylinder bike, for the choke maybe. Dont you just love a challenge, still sounds like fuel starvation, I know you worked on the carb but could the main jet be blocked? What size is it by the way?...240 is standard
  17. Possible fuel starvation. Take off the fuel feed pipe from the carb and run it into a container, is there a good strong flow?
  18. Hi and greetings hawki. many bikes will stall if inadvertantly knocked into gear. You want help? is there a kickstart? a working leccy start? a spark? sidestand up? fresh fuel in tank AND carb? any sign remotely that it may be trying? ...Paul
  19. Its a Nikkon Pat, no longer made. http://www.nikonexhausts.co.uk/twostroke.htm
  20. Airhead

    BAD DAY!!!!!

    is it possible the cam timing chain jumped a cog because you didnt set the tensioner right? Check the valve timing and dont run the engine until you have done, the pistons may be clouting the valves.
  21. I assume this is happening even with the choke on, because it is unlikely to even start without it?
  22. Eyup Mike. You could do no harm by checking you still have a spark after it cuts out at 3km, this 3 km could be as you suspect, ie fuel starvation. But it could also be that 3km puts enough heat into the engine to break an electrical component...such as a pulse coil or ignition coil. Just whip a plug out to see.
  23. Clean up the PV properly then on re-assembly lubricate it with high temperature grease, I think it should be Molybdenum disulfide, will check later.
  24. Mitch, send andyswarbs a PM, you will more likely get an answer to that question.
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