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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Yeah your right, there was no comarison between the competition and the road bikes. When i was at school though I used to look longingly at the CZ175 trail bike,,,,aaaahhhhhhahahahahaaahhhhaha
  2. Eighteen an on a CB900, those were the days, can you imagine that nowadays? Fond memories, I had a CB900 in 1982, a black one...my first new bike.
  3. CZ used to make all conquering championship MX bikes i'll have you know...whose showing a lack of respect now http://mysite.ncnetwork.net/jawaman/CZmx3.htm
  4. Its never happened to me so I have no experience of it, I think I read somewhere about jamming some sort of a piece of wood down there but can't remember what it was or how it worked. I was thinking though...can you fill the leg with water and freeze it in a chest freezer( spring removed and open at the top)..do you think that might get a grip of the damper tube? Just a guess
  5. Nice intro EmZeee, a belated welcome too
  6. I covered the inlet in post #64 Andy, I dont think chopping it all off is a great idea...whats the point? The shape of the moulding diverts the flow in the right direction. I opted for some modification though and ended with a shape more akin to the YZ and TZR bikes. I dont have that annoying induction roar now with the snorkel on so i'm happy, as for performance...probably not noticeable but all these little bits added together have improved the bike no end...not finished yet, just gotta tinker more
  7. Thanks for sharing that Last time I did it was when the petrol was being blockaded at the refineries and petrol stations were rationing it...big queue's at the filling stations. Theres me in the queue at morrisons with my then NEW bandit ...engine off waiting my turn. So the queue starts to move and I decide to push the bike instead of the bother of starting it up, like you do. Anyway I slipped too and the bandit...which is a hefty weight starts lo lean away from me, I hung on in vain, the bike went over and I went on top of it before gathering myself together and re-joining the queue in an orderly manner. I've never been so relieved to leave a petrol station in all my life
  8. Very nice indeed Paul, I always did like the look of the TT600
  9. Airhead


    Great pic, hes a lucky lad, dad's bringing him up right
  10. Welcome to the YOC forum Mark
  11. 500 miles Are you desperate I take it thats round trip, good job fuel is cheap over there
  12. Welcome to the YOC Karl, forget modding it any further like the others say, wait a while and get a 125
  13. I dont know anything about virago 125's or any common probs they have. It will be an import with the KMH speedo, insurance companys will mark down its value so dont pay as much as you would a UK bike,
  14. This Sunday, me Vez and possibly Darren. Depends on the weather. Its near Nelson http://www.redroseclassictrials.org.uk/events.html
  15. Savage verbal attack...where OK i'll admit to a bit of sarchasm there but please... Well I would have done what I could, I probably would have been the only one to bother, but if it's okay with you lets forget it.
  16. Hey Karl, fancy going on a rideout to watch some trials riding?
  17. I dont think you could do it for long enough, if the wweather was better a greenhouse would be good, its up to you with the heat gun....not too close mind
  18. Wow looks like a new one Vez, might be an idea to let it fully cure before fitting it, I usually throw mine on top of the boiler at work for a few days.
  19. I liked it to but it wasnt durable, it would have rusted along the welded joints
  20. That was quick, so you thought the same then. Another pic?
  21. I'm more concerned about can you afford it, bar meals and drinks for the weekend.. Thats the spirit Kev...not!
  22. Ouch, sounds bad! Could be seized. Take the exhaust off...see if you can see and breakage or scoring of the piston
  23. Looks superb...apart from the can. A nice stubby one would look good .
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