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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. kids eh You were right after all Gas...young Derek IS a twat!!
  2. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/YAMAHA-RD125-RD-125-DX-GEARBOX-SELECTOR-DRUM-AND-FORKS-/360305234989?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item53e3dd942d
  3. Nice one Joe..., I'm impresssed with that
  4. Same thing happened to mine this year...same bike too The seal in the oil pump shaft had popped out, bought a new one but i'm sure i could have just popped the old one back in.
  5. £60 isnt a lot for a new one cheapskate
  6. Foamy would look good on this
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL10Q8kaSHI&NR=1
  8. Eh? you tube just copy the browser info (at the very top of youtube screen) and paste it into our forum
  9. He's only 16 Gas...a bit to learn...too many hormones and all
  10. Wow, your'e my new hero...Who'd have thought it...what a guy...what a bike. Well done Dave
  11. How did the bike fare, c'mon tell us
  12. Airhead

    yb100 problem

    Turn the engine using the kickstart until the points are at the widest gap. Adjust this gap to the correct one in the haynes book. now set the engine to the correct place for the ignition (see your haynes manual) Place a cigarette paper between the points. loosen the screws holding the points backplate and turn the whole thing while pulling gently on the cigarette paper. You will find that at some position the points will begin to open and the paper will be free. Tighten the backplate screws in this position Job done Least thats what I used to do when i were a lad
  13. Airhead

    For the newbies

    Hey Jude...Welcome to the forum
  14. Airhead

    yb100 problem

    Does your Haynes book not cover it?
  15. Very nice job Dan, take care on it especially when you cant see what's coming.
  16. Theres a lot more than royalty ride horses, usually women, mums wives girlfriends daughters I think you get my point
  17. Dont drop a gear when passing horses, roll off the throttle and give a wide berth, it's no fun being on a startled horse I've done it. give me a bike any day. Take a chill pill young Derek
  18. Hmmm Emzed...wonder where he went!
  19. ? I dont think so, unless someone had it completely upside down, that would not be a restriction per-se, just incompetence
  20. Thats what dads are for keep a check on that oil now Em
  21. Then yours can not be restricted at the PV.
  22. Welcome to the YOC forum Derek, Its good to see young un's interested in old bikes.
  23. Welcome Dave from France. And I always thought the belgrada was a fast unrestricted version, that just goes to show what I know about TZR's
  24. Airhead

    yb100 problem

    is the point gap and timing set right?
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