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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. That is the only information I have, I see what you mean about the round / square lamp. Check out all the pictures, have a look round other years on 'bikepics' site. Does you instrument cluster look different also? Have a good look around
  2. 5M6 70101 - 5M6 79000 DT50M 1986 http://www.bikepics.com/yamaha/dt50/86/pics.asp
  3. I know this, ..an introduction in the bar?
  4. You need to do a compression test, it is quite possibly well down on compression which will make it difficult to start. Try squirting a bit of oil in the plug hole and try it again, if the compression is low this will increase it temporarily...then test the pressure properly
  5. Yes it is a part of the forum The knurled nut is a part of the cable outer sheath I just took a photo of mine there is definitely a brass screw in there (unfortunately my card reader isnt working tonight) so I wonder if the screw is in fact fitted...I suspect it is. And someone messed up the screw slot.? I think it would run badly without it anyhow, very 'lean'
  6. I cant help you there...I guess you would have to fabricate a bracket. YOC member 'Gas up lets go' may have some input hopefully. Also you could give them a ring and discuss it with them. Of course there may be other digi panels available also
  7. Nice pictures, yes a proper intro in the bar would be good. The back end of your bike has been modified, it would have a carrier as standard I think like mine here Look out on ebay for a standard fender / light and carrier. Replace the float needle, get yourself a tacho cable...I do not see why you assume you will have to work on the gearbox for this...it has a knurled nut to screw onto the boss ? in your picture. Replace your mixture screw order one from yamaha agent it will not be inexpensive If you really must replace electric connectors, silicone covers should be fine, if in doubt just wipe a little vaseline on the metal connector first. ...Paul
  8. Common as muck, thats the same part number as my DT175MX, I bet its the same for dozens of models
  9. Its not a bolt is it? looks more like a common or garden 'wotsit' to me AKA Clevis pin. EDIT, get the part number from the parts manual (see workshop sticky) then you will have something to google with. ...probably common to other bikes too such as RD's
  10. Feel free to introduce yourself in the bar One thing worth considering is a new digital panel Thats about as much help as I could be with this one ...Paul
  11. I dont know if your idea will work or not but now I understand your reasoning and its an interesting idea. However I think you are making it hard for yourself. So I assume the cone filter is within the box and you want to find the right restriction before the filter whilst having some kind of air box volume. Why try to make a complicated butterfly valve for this? Just drill a hole (not too big) aim to choke the bike at first, then gradually drill more or enlarge the hole untill you think its right, that would be a whole lot easier than this damper valve affair.
  12. Airhead

    Bl%%dy Freezing

    Haha, Been digging all bloddy night to get my car out tomorrow
  13. Airhead

    Bl%%dy Freezing

    OG's going nowhere for a while I bet visitor numbers at the NEC show will be badly affected by this
  14. a 1987 bike will not have contact breakers, I suggest you buy a manual then you would have a better idea, manuals can be bought quite cheaply on ebay as a rule. So how did disconnecting the black/white wire go?
  15. Great pics Paul, where are they?
  16. is the battery good neutral light on ignition switch on kill switch off Not familiar, would need a wiring diagram, some bikes are magneto ignition and are not too fussed about the battery As a quick test...is there a Black/white wire to the CDI?...if so can you unplug it without unplugging others...if so try that...spark now?
  17. Seems a lot of caution in the previous posts but I thought this was a tried and tested approach to crank installation, I would do just that but I would fit the bearing in the case first...freeze bearing and warm case. Then warm case and freeze crank. I know 'Cynic' has done this with his DT175 recently Hopefully 'Cynic' will add his two cents worth
  18. where u been?...This is THE no 1 forum norwuchh.... Carb icing Carb icing remedy
  19. Yours is a later one and will give you good service / reliability and heaps of fun when you sort it out (lucky git ), spares can be expensive though and there is usually a lot of competition for them on ebay As far as I know they all used the same spark plug an NGK B8ES, not a BR8... as you quoted. They had a B8ES and also a resistor type plug cap (5000 ohms)...so if yours has a resistor plug cap and also a resistor plug (BR8..) you are in effect doubling the resistance and it wasnt designed for that. However if your plug cap is not a resistor (aka suppressor) type it should be ok with said resitor type plug. Lack of top end and spluttering can be a hard one to find so I hope you're a patient sort who has a multimeter, start with sorting the plug and cap.
  20. Fuel starvation...Pilot jet blockage?
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