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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. I got both, best of both worlds
  2. Hey there are some great people on the SOC I found Cynic. Thanks to some of them I got my DTR home from deepest Stokeshire I dont spend any time there anymore though Chris I doubt it mate, the GSXR's are faired bikes and the headlamps are syled as part of the fairings wich in turn will have different mounting brackets wont they?
  3. Airhead

    YAMAHA DT175

    Be nice to see a photo of the old girl
  4. Drain it to the correct level, with that bike you use the dipstick without screwing it down to check the level. If your'e careful you will be able to drain just some rather than all the oil by holding the drain plug up against the hole as you unscrew it until some has drained...if you see what i mean. It seems an odd question to me...to know something is wrong and then ask what ill effect it will have...just correct it I say.
  5. I would check the voltage regulator is functioning and also the battery fuse is intact. I dont know a jot about digital dashes but I assume it has had a massive over voltage to do this, so thats why I would check these things ...Paul
  6. Airhead

    YAMAHA DT175

    are you in USA? 2k4 is common in europe, mine is a 2k4. Not sure about the tuning though? ex works what? it's just a trail bike...lovely as it is it's no YZ...I dont understand
  7. Its an odd one, assuming you rebuilt and adjusted the clutch correctly... Have you had the primary gear off, replaced with key in situ?
  8. just listen out for any unusual screeching sounds from the back of the bike
  9. Airhead

    Rear Rack

    and plagiarised to the ACRD forum
  10. I know Liam, read my post above I edited it
  11. Liam post a link to the ebay clocks you bid on, i would like to see them Edit I saw them. Mine are different for a later model, The clocks look very slightly different amd they just have one 9 pin plug on them. Be aware of this...what does your loom have? dont buy later ones from your mate if they wont fit. as a clue the temperature gauge has a white/red band on mine. That early one has a green/red band Anyway I think we have just about wore out this hello post now so start something in another more appropriate place if you will
  12. I doubt you will get a two stroke, dont blame you for wanting one though. you may have to buy an old one but will probably find one hard to come by.
  13. he's a handy mate to have, and the father in law runs an insurance company, some people have all the luck
  14. Yamaha make some excellent enduro bikes WR250 and better still WR450 http://www.google.co.uk/images?rlz=1T4GGLL_enGB401GB402&q=yamaha+wr450&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=6lwzTYThK8q6jAeoyPTGCg&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CEUQsAQwAw&biw=1003&bih=448
  15. Ha welcome Dean, you make that XT look small...you sure that's not a pit bike too?
  16. yes but for all you know the winner could have bid a lot more than £43, ebay bids in increments and at that figure it bids in £1.00 increments, hence you were beaten by £1. I know these things' i've spent millions on ebay What mileage was on the clocks you bid for, was it both clocks and the mounting bracket? BTW my DTR speedo cost me £45 plus post just for the speedo. It was cheap at that though for a NOS one However...i do happen to have a full clockset with only 9000 miles (miles is MUCH better than Km's in UK)many of the ebay ones are Km's and the seller dont always say so, you have to look at the photo or ask. I paid last year £41.17 for this, you can have it for that plus postage if you want it or it will be ebayed. I bought this because my bike had a Km clock on it but never used it because the NOS one turned up and as my bike had done no miles I fitted that one
  17. Airhead

    Bikers !

    For me it was a natural progression from pushbikes at the age of around 13 I had just about done everything I could with them and so I wanted to learn about engines. I got books from the school library and began to study the suck squeeze bang blow of the ICE. Got my first bike a mobylette moped for 50p with no carb or exhaust. Managed to source a carb and even found an old frame that looked better, made an exhaust from part of a chrome racer style pushbike handlebar. had heaps of fun on that thing and sold it for around £8.00. Many other field bikes followed and the best of them all was my works triumph trials cub which sadly got abused and by the time it needed doing up i never seemed to find the time, thats my biggest regret. The points made by Vez are true to all of us, as a commuter they cant be beaten and the cammeraderie between true bikers is fantastic. Look we are still making friends even now all those years later. Hope I'm still doing it in another ten years
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