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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Aahh so it has had a new barrel fitted, well that should be good...must have cost a fortune.
  2. They wont touch it bacause it wont go in their bike lift and health and safety says they must not bend over
  3. could well need torqueing, however!! dont be surprised if the studs start to pull right out of the barrel because the 30 year old threads have finally given up.
  4. Nice a 1978 one, you forgot an intro in the noobs forum DT175's are a big favourite here. ...Paul
  5. There will be a wiring diagram in the manual, I would guess though that the battery negative terminal (have you got a black wire on it) connects to black in the loom somewhere nearby. I think you are right and you have bitten off a lot, hope mrs bidders is a patient sort but you will learn a lot of useful stuff meanwhile ...Paul
  6. sorry Dan I dunno but you could try the Aussie forum
  7. Greetings Keith my bikes are fine in the cold... it's just me
  8. could be a leaking float, take it out and shake it...can you hear anything? could be a worn float needle can you see a ring worn around the point, and is the float needle free? could be just set wrong should be 21mm float height with gasket removed...you will see a notched out area to measure from
  9. Greetings Andy, get some good gloves its bloody freezing, we like clueless here so you'll be in good company.
  10. Banish all thoughts of boring for borings sake Rob, for one you will not gain any noticeable power increase and for another you will be removing precious life from what is fast becoming gold dust,... DT175 barrels
  11. Sorry to hear that Chris, hope you make a full and speedy recovery. I have never used these guys or had any nasty experiences such as you...touch wood
  12. Yes I see they are in there DT360 and 400 http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/topic/20241-parts-manuals-for-yamaha-bikes/
  13. Try the parts manuals in the workshop Rex, If they are both there you can simply compare part #'s Also in the service data there are often ohms values given. ...Paul
  14. sadly I cant bear to ride mine in the salt anymore which is a bit ironic since that is what I bought it for all those years ago....ahh well the car's warmer Tell me your'e not letting the gianelli pipe rust
  15. and make a buggy for the lc engine. Speaking of wheels I'm having some rims chromed at the moment and BBQ paint does it again, I just love that stuff
  16. Worth watching? might be a nice project and has V5 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130480067778&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123
  17. apply the choke AFTER it is running, what does it do?
  18. Greeting Mick, see youve met the locals, if you catch any of them out on the street with only their slippers on just send em back here
  19. Hmm thats a tough one you have done the groundwork, is the choke working? Does the plug get wet with fuel? Can you gather some mates round for a push start attempt?
  20. Welcome tomo, the DTR will fit you ok or possibly its modern day inferior replacement the XT125. Take care and do all the training, London traffic takes no prisoners eh
  21. welcome Mark, yeah fill in your profile properly...Location?, maybe start a new thread titled rideouts near**your place***
  22. 2 years may be long enough to need a carb strip / clean, does the plug get wet with fuel, oh and what about the spark...nice big blue spark?
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