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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. are you on L plates? for that matter is your mate on L plates? When you insure a bike you generally get asked about modifications...how would you answer that?
  2. It's not a level playing field then is it? a still restricted 125 against a 180 de restricted. relax and enjoy what you have and most importantly stay safe.
  3. I cant wheelie to save my life lol but thats more down to me than the bike. Your Aprilia is a fooking awesome bike you should keep it in my opinion, it's restricted but thats ok when you are qualified to ride a full power bike it will no doubt leave the DT standing I should think, I'm not doing much of a job here singing the praises of the DT am I but like I say I think you have a bike to treasure there. Save up and buy a DT as well then you'll have the best of both worlds The DT will do 70 no problem and to be honest thats better than thrashing it to the 80+
  4. DT's arent meant for speed they are an aerodynamic disaster and would have to work much harder than the aprilia race rep bike, thay are more than likely also heavier. having said that they are great fun and have a huge following. It's up to you but if top speed is your thing stick with what you have. aprilias ars also great bikes. My DT speedo only goes to 80mph and at that speed I dont find it comfortable but it accelerates well and I like the style of them
  5. Nice intro Untold (Roland?) Not far off now eh?
  6. it would liven up a quiet moment. Mine has a SM tailpipe though the sticker is long gone, as a matter of fact I think you could get the with different badges at some stage. SM was Serval Marketing, just a name on a badge, as in made by someone else. Back to the topic I can get a full set up imported for £34 inc postage sounds good to me...?
  7. I wouldnt start trying to make all the spokes ring the same, that will only ever happen with a perfectly straight and true rim in my opinion
  8. Happy 18th Chris, take it easy on the beer or tomorrow you'll regret it...have a good one though
  9. I think they are wrong, its an import and in Japan they only put the model code (from what I understand). member 'Cynic' has this same situation on his TDR20. Thinking about it sensibly though wont the DVLA documents agree with this. And another question...what if the crankcase was damaged and replaced? i'm sure the dealer couldnt stamp the number and you would probably end up with just the code like yours has.
  10. No idea but is there any way you can find out the part numbers for comparison?
  11. Like I said before, 1: first mark the spoke with the weight on 2: Remove weight 3: find where the wheel settles as just discussed 4: Fit the weight to the spoke at the top when wheel settled 5: This should be the marked spoke by the way or it was weighted on the wrong spoke 6: You can in fact repeat the test with the weight in place now to check it is the right amount of weight
  12. LOL youre doing it wrong. Hold the wheen on the axle (weight removed)...it will have a heavy spot thet will always come to rest at the bottom. No need to spin it, just rotate it each way 1/4 turn and let go
  13. You got your work cut out there DUTCH, you came to the right place here though, Dr Drewpy will be along shortly to offer good advice in exchange for that back rest jobbie ...Paul
  14. Nice one Phil and welcome to the forum
  15. Thats interesting, and a neat job too. I toyed with this idea but didnt make the connection to another manifold that would fit. Keep your eye open for one for me plz Oh by the way that would be a SM silencer S&M is something quite different
  16. hang on...what about the reason why, you were a bit over anxious that you didnt get an immediate answer doring a working day? cant you see what Drewpy meant? I'll say it again, nobody knows the answer or you would have got one...that is no reason to put up posts like'????????'...an obvious sign if impatience and frustration and it's un-called for. Its a modern bike and there is no expert posting here often about this bike, if you learn something perhaps you fill that space You say you expect help after all the help you have given...you only made 9 posts FFS, you tell Cynic to get off your thread...let me tell you that Guy has helped hundreds of people but doesnt suffer fools for long I can tell you a member here is is very up to speed with these bikes, a German member goes by the name X FISH
  17. well we can get them here, see this link Clicky Have a look at it, is it the one you want? You'll have to find one in US there must be automotive shops there too
  18. Theses are rather good for the money, this ones mine...hands off. Yes they can be restricted and i know its not a Yamaha but so what http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/garage/vehicle/131-suzuki-bandit-gsf600s/page__tab__images
  19. Airhead

    WOO HOO!

    Pffttt.youre gonna regret not buying that DT175 engine from 'Cynic' when you see this
  20. Airhead

    My First Bike

    Nice one Ian, it's a great feeling eh. Can you ride it Friday?
  21. theres a wire to earth out to get the YPVS working correctly, see 'Vez'
  22. if youre going to that trouble, mark the spoke with the weight and remove it (weight), do the test then fit the weight to the spoke always at the top...is it the marked spoke because it should be.
  23. bit vague, how do you know its not blocked? any way you can remove the silencer
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