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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. carb float / needle valve may have jammed, try giving the carb a tap with the wooden shank of a hammer...sometimes it frees it. Otherwise you will have to investigate further.
  2. maybe /maybe not You may have blocked the venting hole on the filler cap with vaseline? When it starts acting up pull over, undo the filler cap and re fasten it then ride again...see if its better...If it is you need to discover how it vents and clear the blockage.
  3. I'm not so sure it's the carb at fault here, the fact that it is ok sometimes and not others, if the carb were gunked up it would always be bad. by the way dont use gasket sealant on carbs, it's risky and completely unnnecessary. I have heard though that theres a filter gauze somewhere, possibly in the spigot that the fuel pipe attaches to...ask '2wheels' he mentioned it recently. is your PV operating ok? does it undego the cleaning cycle properly when you switch the key to ON?
  4. Simon smokey when cold is normal. Your bike likes to take you to work but not bring you home...was it a gift from the boss
  5. Always keep the chain lubed, I use yoshimoto kingood chainspray, its oily rather than waxy like some. Oh and a RAC card for recovery if you puncture.
  6. Greetings bigken yeah its a long way to silverstone on a YBR !
  7. Nice one badger, YBR is a great bike to gain experience with.
  8. Greetings Adam ...where is 'your neck of the woods' then?
  9. so the new battery is better what's the concern
  10. You need to get the valve clearances right, get them wrong and you will have reduced compression. The question is...how is this done properly?
  11. Airhead


    so are you saying the washer is standing on the edges of a bent down part and therefore not sitting flat on the throttle slide? I am not familiar but I have to question this. Perhaps it should sit flat with the bent edges facing up and the spring sitting inside of these bent edges?...That way there would be no up / down movement of the needle?
  12. Greetings jez The SR sounds interesting
  13. Greetings dan Would love to see the Honda cb350
  14. Airhead


    Clearly there shouldnt be this movement, make sure the clip is in the right groove and is also beneath the washer you mention, that washer has a bent tab which should locate in a slot in the throttle valve thereby keeping the cable nipple securely in its place, if it isnt this could result in the movement you describe Check and double check this main jet size, 105 is a lot bigger than 88 although 88 sounds a very odd size to me, normally they go up on steps of 5 I think
  15. Greetings Jack the lad, as said a great (unprompted) intro, good luck with the application for the RAF and post up a pic of your new ride
  16. Airhead


    your problem sounds carb related to me, first off it shouldnt start easily from cold without choke. has the main jet come unscrewed and fallen off? or the throttle valve needle...is it clipped securely in the right slot?
  17. Hi Dave, not year specific all that much. The main thing is there were two types, the european types had their wheel spindle central to the fork tube and the continentals sometimes had a leading axle design. Stick with the european ones. A tip...DTMX's are very popular in France in 125 size...forks are the same though. We have a forum rule that wanted ads should be only in the wanted forum, membership of a mere £5 would be payable to do that. Parts are expensive for these bikes now I find, especially here in UK ...Paul
  18. Greetings Dave, yeah lots of DTMX help in here
  19. welcome KC post up a pic of the nice new R125 when you get her
  20. I dont get it, first you quite rightly discover a 60 mAmp drain (leakage) in your rectifier, and prove it by disconnection, next thing you are doubting the battery is measuring the resistance of a battery a valid test?, to me if you disconnect the battery and it hols charge then it's ok.
  21. Test the joints when its racing away. Spray WD40 on the periphery of the cylinder base joint, the cylinder head joint, the joint of the carb to reed block manifold and the joint of the reed manifold to engine. See if the spraying affects the engine speed / tone
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