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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Most likely blocked jets in the carbs . I had this on my Bandit, two carbs had blocked pilot jets. Find which cylinders have trouble by touching exhaust headers with a wet rag, the ones that are cool wont hiss, these are the carbs to work on.
  2. Does it have carbs or injectors? Blocked main jets?
  3. Greetings Steve so lets see some pics then
  4. Errr there's a reserve Mervyn I doubt you would get it for 99p mate
  5. Good luck with the sale but 24 hours??
  6. As we can see this has raised the bars slightly, hope there's no price to pay regarding cable lengths but it's not much of a raise is it.
  7. crappy indeed Jason, still...best with a thin smear of silicone just around the bore circumference ( not all the gasket face) also I think.
  8. if your head gasket had gone it's not really surprising you have gunk in there, it may take several flushes to clear it, since it is summer I would keep changing the fluid in the radiator, dont bother wasting your money on coolant just use distill (de-ionised) water and when youre happy fill with coolant again. but how do you know your head gasket is good now? did use use a black rubber coated one or one of the nasty cheap copy pattern ones?
  9. Dan I assume you are asking for advice about the 'only runs with choke'...this is often a blocked pilot jet, strip and clean the carb thoroughly paying particular attention to this jet.
  10. Yes you can, see FAQ's in the 'New members' forum
  11. I know shocks can be repaired, re-built. My local shop has a chap that does it so long as seals are available, but a bigger name and no doubt pricey alternative is 'Hagon'...dont they do this? http://www.hagon-shocks.co.uk/common/pagedetail.aspx?PageCode=contact
  12. Great new you fixed it David, it's a great feeling to have it running well again eh?...Now to rub your nose in it a little further Ahh c'mon David, are you saying my photos and description of operation needs clarifyinng?? I also asked you to specifically test this jet wasnt blocked, even after you stated it was clear, thats why the issue took so long and you became frustrated. Anyway good you now have it beat and it would be good to see another video or your bike at the end of your 'other post' Cheers...Paul
  13. Greetings daddy-O yeah I like beach volleyball too, shame theres no beaches around here
  14. My first thoughts are that you have been told wrong, but... told what you wanted to hear I doubt the porting in the RXS100 is big enough to benefit from the bigger carb...if thats the case you're wasting your time.
  15. ????? what exactly does this mean? the usual way would be to disconnect the cables from the pulley, leaving the PV insitu!
  16. ??????? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/OVERSIZED-TAPERED-UNIVERSAL-FAT-BAR-HANDLEBAR-ADAPTER-/230525947424 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/7-8-1-1-8-oversize-fat-bar-pro-taper-adaptors-kit-/270676685466?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item3f0596729a http://shop.ebay.co.uk/i.html?_nkw=fat+bar+%28adapter%2Cmount*%29&_sacat=0&_dmpt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&_odkw=fat+bar+adapter&_osacat=0&_trksid=p3286.c0.m270.l1313
  17. I dont know anything about injectors but with a quick 'google' cant you clean them/ http://www.rowand.net/Shop/Tech/DIYFuelInjectorCleaning.htm
  18. I would ask them anyway, explain your error etc, perhaps they can swap for 22mm ones?
  19. How come you didnt buy 22mm ones NEV? Are they new, can you swap them for the correct ones?
  20. http://www.tytrials.co.uk/trailandtrialsuk/prod_43004-Swinging-Arm-Bushes-DT175.html
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