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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Anyway you must also consider perhaps this is normal for the bike, fact is they all smoke and hesitate when cold and it clears up when hot. If the pump isnt passing as i have said and you are not burning gearbox oil...than all is well
  2. yeah i'm aware of these chinese replacements, not sure if they are right or not maybe thay are for the later DT175's ?... however if wemoto are selling them for early bikes i guess they are and if needs must! but look there must be some other access for the mounting nuts...from the side rather than the top?
  3. the pumps are sold as a unit and so the integral parts of the pump are not necessarily shown on drawings etc. I cannot for the life of me think why you want to strip down this part of the pump without evidence of a fault there...your efforts would be better served finding the problem and you have said thick white smoke...to me thats gearbox oil. Has your gearbox got a breather tube attached to the top of it? Any screw would gave done given the right length and thread...
  4. Mitaka do piston as a quality alternative to original ones, I would never bore bigger than the next size that pistons are available for...these barrels are so rare it's incredible and so boring them to the very last size available doesnt make sense to me 66mm is standard .25 .5 .75 (doubt you would ever find one) 1.0 Aftermarket replacements 1.5 2.0
  5. Have you adjusted your cable so just a small amount of free play?
  6. more likely to just stay on i would think
  7. Greetings Jack..whats up
  8. Alex peoples signatures and avatars have gone..probably much more too, and the post count is up the chuff also
  9. yeah i feel for you Dean it's crap. I take there is a time frame and you are within it?
  10. might be worth asking the seller here http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-RXS100-L-H-engine-cover-/260582745229?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item3cabf1248d
  11. yeah it stinks, you will have to shop around...do the online ones and you may find that some ask for driving convictions only...it would be time consuming but may be worth it.
  12. Airhead

    DT 175

    Hmm i've never seen one of these can you PM me some pictures I would like to see it?
  13. Airhead

    DT 175

    DEP sound good, are you sure yours doesnt just need re-packing though?...much cheaper than replacing it
  14. I just posted a link to one...ask, the very fact thats it's black suggests ita a rubber COATED one to me as for water pump seal gone, this will give a milky appearance to the gearbox oil so dip it and see
  15. Airhead

    My YZF750

    very nice Andy, bet it's a hoot to ride
  16. Airhead


    Why not have a go at painting the plastics yourself, blue ones are hard to find...mine's blue so i know.
  17. Airhead

    Yamaha RX100

    WOW! she's like new
  18. Here is the standard reed and cage I fitted boyessen 2 stage reeds to mine Here is the standard inlet manifold Lots of people are led (wrongly) down the path of chopping off all the rubber moulding that enters the reed cage, myself I just chopped some off and left some on as it is used to direct the fuel air cleanly to the reeds...this is what I did as for main jet...it would be wise to jet 10 points higher, for example from 240 to 250
  19. B40 will be the best, the D5 will be excruciatingly slow
  20. This looks like one, ask the seller http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Gasket-Top-Set-Yamaha-DT125R-TDR125-1988-2004-/280474351304?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item414d92f6c8 Dont forget a 7mm thin smear around just the bore circumference both sides http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/40G-CLEAR-SILICONE-INSTANT-GASKET-RTV-SEALANT-/140565596435?pt=UK_Body_Shop_Supplies_Paint&hash=item20ba5cc913
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