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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Airhead

    Dt 125 problem

    Dont panic Scott, it sounds like the starter clutch jamming, Its in the Haynes manual how to check it, it doesnt sound like the motor
  2. Good one NEV, is it finished now, wheel and forks on yet?
  3. Greetings John and Amusing intro... No idea about paint colours mate but i know of a good painter if you want his contact details? Me? well I just rattle can the little beauty
  4. The red light is the oil level alarm, but it's on constantly when in neutral...as a bulb check The headlight only works with the engine running, but the pilot works from battery
  5. Greetings Pledge lol With that bike? hey classics would be good
  6. The length will affect the ride height, if its too far different it will either make it difficult to get your feet down, or the other way round, could cause bottoming out...just guessing though
  7. I dont know the answer but why not compare the length and bolt / pivot sizes for the two models, and if necessary make an adapter sleeve if required, also compare the two bikes to see if they have a similar linkage arrangement
  8. it doesnt have an ignition light Pete, you mean oil light (bulb check)
  9. great bikes, never take your eyes off it though!!!
  10. Greetings scott from Oldham, you got a DTRE then Greetings
  11. lol i was expecting a video, ,,,nice one drewps
  12. Definitely a sought after bike vic, loking forward to seeing some pics
  13. yeah some of the XT's are sumo's http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&cp=6&gs_id=j&xhr=t&q=xt660x&rlz=1W1GGLL_enGB401&biw=1024&bih=540&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&wrapid=tljp132742867773408&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=ZCMfT_qGNMrz-gbw8vUy
  14. does he wash the dishes while you are out enjoying yerself then
  15. Greetings dian, how big is the photo, try one not too many pixels
  16. kinell come on you two!
  17. Nice intro Dad Lets start with a spark then, has it or hasnt it? have you checked for spark yet? and done the usual with WD40, spraying around the plug cap etc?
  18. mobllette was my intro to bikes too
  19. Mark yeah leave it as it is and get without asap
  20. lol whats the ped? its not far off a bicycle...did you finish it?
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