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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. it would be best to have it as a functional trials bike if thats possible, thats where the value will be with people interested in twinshock trials events. Where are you Gary?
  2. Have you got a haynes manual, are you going to get one? There will be wiring diag's in there First post so feel free to do a quick intro in new members forum
  3. does the plug spark when connected to the HT wire and just laying on the cylinder head? Its not normal practice to screw in the spark plug and then hold the wire 6mm from it, how do you know you are 6mm for example...and are you holding it by hand or have you fabricated something to keep a constant 6mm? Only an ignition system in great shape will jump the 6mm anyhow, in reality it only has to jump a tenth of that gap at the spark electrode!
  4. Very nice Dean, I believe that high mileage ones may have jumping out of 2nd gear problems, perhaps others will confirm this. She looks a real beauty mate I always liked them myself
  5. how come you bought a trail bike if you dont want one?
  6. not sure the forks are the same Scott...something tells me they arent, the DTX has a huge brembo disk up front as compared to the DTR
  7. http://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=toolbar-instant&hl=en&ion=1&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4GGLL_enGB401GB402#hl=en&cp=23&gs_id=l&xhr=t&q=carb+cleaner+and+rubber&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4GGLL_enGB401GB402&site=webhp&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=carb+cleaner+and+rubber&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=d8b2093a804d7feb&ion=1&biw=1024&bih=540Tell me you didnt squirt carb cleaner at anything rubber!
  8. Greetings 'billy brown' ever heard of mika?...no...perhaps as well
  9. Just a guess...is it the engine kill switch?
  10. Greetings Sean, thats a big toy...play away
  11. crankcase pressure problems are usually caused by the crank seals wearing and can often be replaced with the engine insitu although not always. RH seal tell tale is burning oil and smokey and possibly a smell of fuel in the oil LH seal, take the cover of the magneto and see if theres any oil residue hanging around in there...or petrol, start the bike and spray the seal with WD40 through the slots in the rotor, listen for any change in engine tone it might be an idea to test the resistance of the ignition coil and the charge coil in the magneto...compare the the specs in the manual
  12. leave the plug out overnight and try it again
  13. Try a new spark plug first, better still warm the plug in the oven until its hot, then fit it quickly and try again. It would be best to remove the old plug and leave it out overnight to allow the flooded cylinder to evaporate
  14. never had one myself fella, mines tucked away...not outside
  15. Greetings draggie and welcome back, hope you have lots of fun this spring / summer
  16. get it alarmed too john, you'd be surprised at how the pikeys can cut through chains
  17. I wondered about the stators too, unless the 05 stator will fit the 02 engine, i doubt you will find the answer to that without buying it, also compare the numbers on the rotors before mixing them up and note it down
  18. very nice john but i couldnt help noticing have you got a fly tipping problem?
  19. Greetings curt well it might fit but wont be leccy start! If it were me I would want to keep with the original engine for the registered engine number, and having said that would be looking to repair the damage
  20. "thanks airhead, yes i have an haynes. today put ht lead 6mm from head bolt, great spark. screwed in plug, not connected to ht. lead, not a spark in site????????? any clues greatly appreciated bj." say that again?...but differently did you mean screwed in plug cap, fitted plug and rested on cylinder = no spark?
  21. huh..a new thread?, i'll try to find your old one then to re-read it
  22. French blue is FBL, Code 00G3 Google 00G3 Blue and you will see many results http://www.cmsnl.com/faq.php?fq_catid=15#74
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