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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. she looks really nice, somehow i didnt imagine such a transformation so we await a video now
  2. normally a hairdryer is used to soften the glue and label
  3. they are phsically bigger so wont fit so you dont need much then eh, you should be able to find parts on ebay ao a breakers. is she going to be roadworthy then? draw some inspiration from your countrymen flyday58 and oldbikerehab
  4. it must be pretty exposed up front on the V twin eh, lucky you werent going for a long ride mate, oh and John..its a suzuki
  5. dont know of another (bigger) engine that would straight swap! whats the plan for it?...how much is missing?
  6. Greetings Sam I doubt you will find an answer to the tank issue and that you'll have to do the legwork yourself...we'll see
  7. not to mention it was two strokes too many
  8. Airhead


    yeah a year and a half, thought you'd been in some sort of fireball incident with that leaking tap i would have though 45 / 50 would be achievable with standard sprockets...have you done the checks..points? gap timing baffle etc
  9. Greetings chuck , i'm sure drewpys pic will be lost on you eh
  10. the starter motor should turn in the same direction as it takes to lock up the starter cutch, then as the engine fires the clutch is disengaged by the faster running engine
  11. 1000cc is correct dont forget you need to run the engine, let it warm , stop it and then take the reading...you may find it falls considerably
  12. with a front brake that bad it should be a DTMX
  13. Great news , enjoy you bike they really are super little machines
  14. and as you can imagine i've never done mine that way...just followed the haynes book and never had any issues either!
  15. Thats for priming the feed to the carb, the bleeding is done and screw replaced by step 3 of your quote
  16. This is also what I do, but sometines you will still be caught out,i dont ride at night much though these days.
  17. I think theres something reassuring about seeing the oil in the line so I use clear tube, its cheap too http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/YAMAHA-DT175-DT175MX-DT-MX-2-STROKE-OIL-LINE-KIT-/270830601613
  18. right you need to put in some fine detail here now if you want a working pump, tell us what you have and whats missing, how the oil inlet to the engine (carb) has been blanked off etc
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