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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. is there a split link in the chain?
  2. 574 is DT400C mark 509 is YZ250B 1975 Try googling them
  3. it wouldnt surprise me if they are different because of the different part number, perhaps the mounting screw positions etc...dont know though
  4. why not just turn the throttle stop screw in about 1/4 of a turn? After all that's what it's for
  5. yep...new battery I would think
  6. If you are taking your carb off take the reed block off also, check they are not stuck or bent while you're at it Have you had your flywheel magneto off?
  7. Thats fast by my standards lol, what state of tune though you didnt say Greetings wally and
  8. and me, mervyn (pilningas) has toured all over the place on one of those
  9. so the carb is overflowing! just turn off the fuel tap for now...if the bowl is full theres enough in there to start the bike and some Just because it was overflowing why does this mean it isnt being drawn into the engine? I really dont like the sound of that!!
  10. Great news dolau, now wrap up that cable connector well, have you considered that yucky but extremely effevtive greasy tape stuff http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cromwell.co.uk/images/product/AVN/981/AVN9817100K_0.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cromwell.co.uk/index.php%3Fq%3D0%26p%3Dbrowse%26c%3D040110&usg=__bdBXZH_AkVa_zHlwWOJ6tgDXWP8=&h=500&w=484&sz=55&hl=en&start=2&zoom=1&tbnid=7v3-xC7JqtGVIM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=126&ei=hPBiUMfQJqmg2AX36IDQAQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dwaterproof%2Bgrease*%2Btape%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1
  11. I would just do the main jet for starters, this info is for a 22mm carb and you have a 24mm, ....... is this fir a mk2 airbox Tony?
  12. Great vid and super stills have fun...never too old just get it done eh
  13. its small enough to try a bump start too eh?
  14. yeah I was thinking 130 will be more like it, try it WOT when you can and see what its like, buy a few genuine mikuni jets from allens they arent expensive, start with 140 if you like and go down in 5's from there watching plug colour and feel / temperature 130 is actually 6 sizes smaller...they increment in 5's at this size as you know, you should fit the biggest one that it will run sweet with at WOT
  15. Does it run OK at full throttle? I would think the 160 is too big for a main jet, doesnt it 4 stroke and stutter at WOT? What is the correct size MJ for a 125MX with a mk2 airbox did you research this?
  16. Have you checked that by using combinations of those gauges you can get the right gap specification for your bike grouch?
  17. its a 1999 speed triple ya cheeky git John!...see his 'bikes' llol
  18. Have you put new rings in the piston...perhaps It's a bit down on compression? Take out the sparkpug tonight and leave it out It's a good bet you have flooded the engine after todays endeavours!...let it evaporate off. tomorrow squirt a bit of oil in through the spark plug hole...about 1 1/2 teaspoons full...if the rings are a bit worn it will help seal them to gain some compression to start...full choke and no throttle (or hardly any) is the key
  19. Greetings captain triple wow one owner from new not may of them around, me too start a thread about your bike in the classics forum, this is for the intros and thanks for posting one
  20. you wont even need a flywheel puller if you only change the 'wet' right side seal
  21. if your tank has 'YAHAMA' on it...it will be pretty unique Greetings and so this DT125E, what does it have registration number? V5?...just what?
  22. you may have to short out the disconnected connector (loom side) not sure have you got any electrics working...horn, lights etc
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