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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. Hey bippo on the subject of handguards I would recommend the ones for a suzuki v-strom, I have them on my bandit and you get a lot of coverage from those...much more then the small off road types http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?num=10&hl=en&biw=1143&bih=576&tbm=isch&tbnid=l-KMnWaDD9dzKM:&imgrefurl=http://www.wallis.id.au/vstrom650/handguards.htm&docid=U8XqcEW3t_pK-M&imgurl=http://www.wallis.id.au/vstrom650/images/hand_guards.jpg&w=500&h=376&ei=a0FrULuzE8O30QW7kYGICw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=724&vpy=209&dur=937&hovh=195&hovw=259&tx=139&ty=111&sig=113089700891700004341&page=3&tbnh=120&tbnw=160&start=39&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:39,i:213
  2. why not drop the yokes down the fork stanchions a little, say 50mm ?
  3. it might be a stuck power valve, take off the pulley and work it back and forth without damaging the flats. You can make a proper job of it later after your test is over
  4. Greetings mailee and , the XVS650 would be a good one to look into, theres plenty of members who have had or have them and they seem to have a good rep...
  5. Greetings Christian and lets hope they are easy Q's
  6. Greetings Jay, Really like the TDM...Dont see many about though
  7. so the Irish and french 'needed' them someone decided...when is it our turn then?
  8. Well you've lived a long time without it, so you must have been doing something right whats mandatory in Ireland...viz jackets?
  9. No as you can see from the shadows it was a sunny day, remember the policemans quote? it was good visibility, as for the lights...somebody (probably living it up on our money in brussels) decided years ago that from such a date, the lights on bikes will be on all the time...just like they are on my bandit...I hear they are considering making it happen with cars next...well I suppose they have to 'earn' their keep somehow...y'know, keep on moving the goalposts like. hey no doubt all us bikers will 'need' to wear hiviz in due course after were no longer distiguishable by having our headlights on!
  10. Ahh you mean she 'needs' to choose whether to wear one or not, given due thought to the road conditions and visibility on the day, sounds a lot better that does, Perhaps she did
  11. Yeah police and bin men, they wear them for their job...not when they are out riding horses :
  12. so to quote the police constable present "The horse was clearly visible to him as he approached along the straight road. It was only because of the very good road sense of the animal that a serious incident was avoided. "Wilkinson should think himself fortunate to have been facing a speeding charge and nothing more serious." How would wearing a viz jacket of changed anything here? When in Devon or anywhere else for that matter you ride at a speed thats appropriate, yes high hedges and narrow roads...you just ride accordingly like you do NEV there could be absolutely anything round the next bend, a parked car, tractor, cyclist...absoluletly anything, you just have to ride at such a speed you can survive and whose to say that youd see the viz jacket any sooner that the horses ass round that 90 degree bend?
  13. Agree with that and disagree with that, she doesnt 'need' to wear any such thing...any more than us bikers do...pleeeze save us from any more interfering legislation health and safety bollocks!!! she would have been easily visible on the sunny day it took place
  14. bippo I would ask your dealer for their input on this, a 55/60w is quite a jump, you have also indicated you want to fit heated grips...another big load on the generator....will it take all this extra load?...I dunno
  15. Wow who'd have though it...Thanks for posting it up Wally and yeah...would love to see some action footage
  16. Have you looked at the DT125RE indicators?
  17. Looking good Ken, just like my old one Greetings and
  18. If I'm right on the 125 there is no adjusment in the centre of the pressure plate and the adjusment is done on the other side of the engine behind the sprocket cover... am I right?
  19. you will learn whats normal in due course
  20. relax your temperature hasnt gone up just because you can see it, its a watercooled 4T isnt it?
  21. if it doesnt need a sprocket there wont be any tight spots when they give it back to you because changing the bearing has fixed it does this bike have a main stand? Chain free play is usually quoted with the bike on the side stand not the main stand, the free play gets less with the rider onboard and even less over bumps...thats why you need free play after all...did you check with the bike on the side stand...does the manual state this?
  22. theres something awry then, drain the oil and look at your clutch...have the screws through the springs come undone?
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