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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. I doubt it John it will almost definitely be a flywheel magneto jobbie, so it's my guess this thing carries it's own batteries
  2. yup I did once. messing about with an old microwave, what a thrill!
  3. Heres your stator Steve Pic showing the orientation of the Electrex source coil Pic showing the filed clearance for the live connection
  4. yes you need a well fitting pipe thats VERY important, you dont want the fluid spilled on the caliper and pads!!! Try the chemists for tube, or car accessory shop
  5. nice one davie, the site is being rather troublesome eh? got there in the end
  6. get some help a mate doing the nipple and tube in a jar bit pull the lever gently until thes resistance and keep gentle pressure on mate undoes the nipple, the lever pulls to the handlebar...keep it there mate tightens the nipple let the lever out fully REPEAT until no bubbles in tube...keep level topped up
  7. in photobucket select the picture you want to post, click next to the bottom field, the one that begins and ends with IMG...../IMG you will see it briefly say copied Paste into your post using the 'More Reply Options' for now
  8. right, I used photobucket there and got the usual image extension failure message the first time. so then I hit the 'More Reply Options' button, and went that route and it worked...try that way for now
  9. Greetinga davie and yeah were having all sorts of issues posting from photobucket and the 'big cheese' is missing!
  10. look out for condensation with you starting it and not allowing the engine to get hot...try spraying the stator with some WD40 it wont do any harm
  11. Airhead

    Bad earth?

    check the loom isnt chaffed where it goes around the headstock
  12. Put 'The Donkey' up again foamy
  13. some good multimeters will measure capacitance by the way...mine will
  14. Way I see it is this, if youve done a search and not found a healthy following in Australia then I'ts hardly worth bothering with...break it and sell as parts?
  15. Confused why you drilled the airbox but didnt try washing the filter first?
  16. so tell us how you checked the compression, what reading did you get?
  17. Listen joe, I have no idea fella but dont rush into it just yet. Leaving the plug out overnight and then try again tomorrow, preferably with another plug...have you checked it's sparking?
  18. yeah you should push gently and you'll feel compression, continue to push gently through the lions share of that compression until you're almost TDC, then give it all youve got and the flywheel will have a bit of momentum as it hits the next compression stroke and so it will help you, I note that you are at some disadvantage though with the left leg fix you're in
  19. yeah thats nice and the can would benefit from a little stubbying IMO
  20. Airhead

    southern meet.

    How about the BMF rally then, lots to see n do there
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