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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. what a crap description! post a picture then!
  2. Good for her, i reckon bippo will be the same, but she will be still commuting to work when she's 70
  3. Ahh thats good, you'll need a lathe to get the new bushes the exact correct length...a great 'cheap' fix I would use 15wt fork oil from what you have said
  4. well I thought you could use the DTMX one like I said...but.... my link to the correct bushes at 22 Euro?
  5. up one size on the MJ, no need to alter the needle
  6. Airhead


    Got somewhere to ride it Alex?
  7. you cant choose harder or softer...it is what it is after it has been correctly assembled
  8. I've ordered one today for my TTR
  9. wish you'd said earlier
  10. its a 5 bhp ped not a bonneville speed week contender...jeez whats wrong with the tin can !
  11. no!...theres still something wrong! What have you been doing? you didnt say!
  12. might be the head gasket if it looks like mayo, and the white xoke could be steam as the coolant is boiled off!
  13. Hi Anthony and Please keep the New Members forum for intros and post the problem in the workshop forum Thanks
  14. yep check the bulb first, you can usually see if it's a broken filament in there
  15. Swing arm bearing part # 90387-127F2 Always try your Yamaha dealer first you may be pleasantly surprised Failing that http://www.cmsnl.com/ttr225ppc-2002_model11059/collar-10v_90387127f2/
  16. None of your efforts so far have actually given any force rearwards to that baffle! Get an m16 expanding bolt and expand it inside the end of the baffle, then clamp the head of the bolt in a vise and you have something to pull / tap against
  17. cut a strip from an aluminium beer can
  18. dont rush it john, you should let it harden off a couple of weeks, yeah I'd sand it with a wet 1200 grit and soapy water, then T-Cut :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :)
  19. Greetings Rob, i always liked the TDM's you dont see many around these days but I imagine they're great bikes to tour on
  20. ahh he's off-line at the moment mike he posted in the afternoon, some come back later after they have collected a few hello's
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