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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. yes thats what 40/1 means, you'll have to calculate how much oil for any given amount of fuel you put in. Tell us more about the oil pump, what did you do with a drill? have you bled it? are you sure it's not working or are you jumping the gun a bit here?
  2. wow what a job yeah I know i know............sometimes it rains
  3. I would think a ratio of 40/1 will be ok with a good quality oil What's wrong with the pump they are normally very reliable?
  4. might be stripped though youll have to find out whats wrong
  5. Airhead

    Sex sells!!!!!

    The're even catching on down under http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/HONDA-CBR1000RR-07-ROAD-TRACK-MOTORBIKE-151-45HP-71-65-TORQUE-/251272789484?nma=true&si=XFaFxsBxvsO3tqL9ieHNvz5n7ig%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557#ht_755wt_958
  6. Greetings mcferreira I see a green one, a DT175G
  7. It doesnt want to leave ya...how could you be so cruel !!!
  8. yeah they are better looking...however they are not right for his restored bike, he wants the original ones
  9. Ahh Andy I did ask him but he wants some serious money for his clocks...reason being is he'd have to pay serious money to replace them. There are two types of clocks, one with orange coloured pointers and one with whhite coloured pointers...his are the white pointer type ( brand new) and he would like to replace them with the orange pointer type
  10. you gonna buy them all foamy on the off-chance you'll get your first one back
  11. I have heard that the seized calipers can often be removed by pumping grease into them....never done it myself though but to me it sounds like a good way to do it. You'd have to determine what thread the bleed nipples are and fit a grease nipple with the same thread. Greetings
  12. I've see a few DTR's with burned and smashed pistons where the exhaust port is, another easy to do thing is to take off the exhaust and have a look at the piston front/top through the port
  13. its with you saying it pulls strong in spurts ken...could be a HT problem, yeah an easy check so worth looking there first
  14. sounds electrical to me Ken, whats the plug cap to HT lead connection like...maybe cut off 10mm and re-make and spray the lead/cap with WD40 ?
  15. Could it be something you've done wrong or set up wrong...rather than a manutacturing fault?
  16. I know someone who may have some clocks for sale, It's not me BTW
  17. Greetings Andy, sounds like an interesting project
  18. Err dont normally bother but I saw some tonight, Amanda was on it and Simon Cowell kissed her ass
  19. Tis indeed, a must see, it was over when the fat lady sang
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