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Everything posted by Airhead

  1. yes the push lever should move then stop at the marker, if it does the plates are ok...and the adjustment too. bloody hell it sounds like a stiff/sticking cable now disconnect it at both ends, it should be easy to move the inner
  2. thats it then, it needs adjusting to compensate for the wear that has taken place, at the moment you have no free play at all and that's why it is slipping. I dont 'know' about your particular bike, but the adjustment is sometimes a screw/locknut in the centre of the pressure plate...a case off job. have you got a manual to refer to? I take it you disconnected the cable like I said?...it should move a little before it resists
  3. to check the clutch adjusment, disconnect the cable from the handlebar lever the push lever should move backwards push it forwards with your hand until it resists movement at this point the pointer on the end of the push lever and the pip on the casing should align use whatever adjustment mechanism has been fitted to achieve this alignment re-connect the cable and use the cable adjuster to give a little free play, about 10mm at the end of the lever job done
  4. is there a pointer at the end of the push lever and a mark (pip) on the engine casing ?
  5. Back safe and sound, I managed to beat the rain too, the wind going over 'Holme Moss' was so strong I almost had to stop but I plodded on in 2nd gear over the summit...! Great to meet up again with all the old faces and especially some new ones too, we had a good laugh didnt we. Yeah, It's a pity the weather has changed so much buy hey...we were lucky with the saturday rideout weather thank god it wasnt like it is now. Yep it was good chatting to FzrAl again this year, ...nice to see our 'oldtimer' too on his bit of exotica. the challenge of an overheating DT goes on...maybe...just maybe...one day i'll get to the bottom of this Thank you all for coming to this event this year and hopefully next year we can do it all again.
  6. Sorry you cant make it merv that would have been a nice surprise..ahh well! at the risk of repeating myself WTF
  7. yeah thats not a bad idea to find an easily available filter that will fit, have you got the old filter so you can make comparisons of size?
  8. Sorry you cant make it this time Pat but it was great to see ya at the fizzy do back in June, I really enjoyed that one the weather was ace wasnt it.
  9. Hmmm...in that case may I suggest some kind of edible oil
  10. lol, remember when my bike kept cutting out when i came to a stop at junctions...on roughleys toy run? well I went to work on it today (had some pretty serious issues!) anyway, hopefully the issue is sorted but came home in the pissing rain and sure enough...cutting out unless I keep revving it at the lights!!!
  11. I assume the new screen isnt resting on any part of the cable loom, even when the steering is moved from lock to lock ?
  12. it's the 30A one that is the main fuse so you lied when you said the fuses are ok...or that was your best guess at the time lol...you havent checked them at all!
  13. are you sure about the fuses...did you check with a multimeter? if they really are all good, what about the battery to chassis connections and the battery + connection, are they clean and tight?
  14. yes that is what Tony is saying, pick a clean unpainted part like a casing screw.
  15. Damn thats a shame Tommy, just when we thought he was on the mend! yeah lets hope he can just pee out the excess meds then.
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