Everything posted by too fat to fly
1991 DT125R - X front brake assembly needed
Hi All, Been absolutely ages since I posted anything up on here. I have to admit I have gone over to the Orange side (KTM) as I am now doing enduro events etc. BUT, I could never sell the DT, had it so long, worked on it so much, ridden and broken it so many times it just cannot be sold. And now... I have done some bits and pieces to it. Stripped it painted it, re-greased, renewed and replaced everything that needed doing. Fitted a Big One. It was cheap and nearly new. Recently got hold of some YZ 125 forks, upside downers from an early nineties bike (my DT is a 91) Fiddled about with the yokes and have them fitted perfectly. Changed up the rear suspension for an upgraded unit my colleague gave to me and have carbon reeds etc with the electronic power valve working beautifully. Its also got Fat bars on oversize clamps. Finally this week I purchased some DT125x wheels. Rear is complete, but front is lacking the disc. Before I go out and buy a 60 quid new part, does anyone have one for sale spare? Come to think of it if you gad a complete front brake assembly that would be awesome. Pictures will follow.
dt 125 suspension jack up ideas or info please.
Hi all, I'm trying to work out the best way to raise my dt125 through changing the suspension front and rear. Anybody done a jack up at the back? swapped the rear unit for another or bodged this some how? On the same note, any one changed the forks for more travel? which model did you take them from please? many thanks
Ignition Barrell refitting?! DT125R 1991
Hi, Have refitted the actual barrell, but wires are different colours on the barrll than those which come off the loom and have obviously been shorted (hot wired) by those that stole it! I have 6 wires from the barrel. Red, Brown, black, Blue/Red stripe, Blue, as well as a seperate black and white stripe. From the loom, I have red, brown, black, blue /yellow stripe, blue/ black stripe, dark green, and (browny black?!) Some seem obvious, and I have got to the point where I can here the power valve opening, so there is power, but it wont start as I obviously have not comp[leted the circuit. Can anyone tell me which colours should go together? big ask I know but I really dont want to melt anything! Many thanks Malcolm
Which speedo set / clock set do I need? 1991 DT 125 R
Hi, Looking to put a 1991 Dt back on the road, and am uncertain what the speedo variations are. I have seen Speedo to left and 6 light dash sets for sale, but want to confirm with someone that this is the right setup for my year / model? Can anyine provide info or pictures of the dash/speedo set up, for me to ensure I get the right one? Many thanks too fat