Hi i recently bought a DT125R and as im not quite 17 yet we took it up to a stretch off private road to have some practice.
It was kicking first time and running perfectly. After about an hour however the bike started to jerk about as i was riding. The only real way i can describe it is the kinda thing that would happen if you pulled the clutch in and out over and over again quickly at high revs.
I stopped, thinking that i must have run out of fuel, but when i shook the bike i could hear plenty. When i looked at the fuel switch i saw i had been running on the reserve (DOH). There was still around half a tank in there, but i topped it up anyway. I left it a few minutes and rocked the bike a little to try to get it running through again.
Heres the problem: When i went to start it up though it wouldnt start. Its as though it wants to start, but it just wont. The engine was still warm, and the tank was full. We tried a LOT of times to "bump it". Each time it tried to start but wouldnt rev. It did fire once or twice on each "bump", but then gave up and died. It must have been kicked almost 500 times over the last few days, and just wont start. After a few kicks we start to see a little smoke and can smell the petrol, but its not firing up. Tried using the choke, tried fiddling with the idle, tried bumping it, checked for air in the fuel line to into the engine, and now im clueless (not that i was ever that clued up).
When the bike has been left there IS a slight smell of petrol around the bike, is it possible that i have flooded the engine? If so what do i need to do to sort it and get it running again?
As i say iv tried all i know (albeit very little), although i havent checked the spark plug, could this be the problem. I doubt it because it was firing perfectly until this happened.
Anyway, thanks in advance for any help you guys can offer, and also thanks for taking the time to read all that ^
Cheers, Kewwy