Hi Shes a beauty. I have got a chance of getting a virago 250, whats it like? I've read in motorcycle news that long motorway trips should be avoided. Is this the case. I dont want a fast bike but I would like something that will hold 70mph with out a struggle. Cheers jimbosimbo
Just a little thought to myself...
not fare. how dya get 85mph (or mpg)I've only managed 67 tops unladen down hill on my YBR. Did go on a 212 mile roung trip to the Isle of Bute camping for two nightsand it cost me £8 on petrol!!!!!! Great pics!. Don't matter wot you ride, its all about riding. jimbo
stiff back wheel
Thanks all. Taking the fit new brake shoe advice. Thanks again. jimbo
stiff back wheel
Loosened off free play a bit and noticed the brake peddle dose not spring back when its applied. When i lift it up the wheel turns freely and the brake camshaft lever sticks when I apply the brake as well. I dont remember if this is supposed to move. These wee bikes are supposed to be reliable!!
Just a little thought to myself...
Go for it. I'm planning to go round Scotland next summer on my YBR 125 with a tent. Its a slow bike and drivers hate me but what the hey!! I keep getting images of the road up toward Ullapool and into the mountains in Wester Ross. No cars No cares. I failed my test September and dont have the cash for more lessons and test and all the work my bike suddenly needs but I can still ride and I'm gonna. Best of luck with your trip cos you realy should do it. Go for it!!
stiff back wheel
Hi all. I'm havin problems with my YBR 125. The back wheel is very stif. I dont know if the break pad are locked (drum) I can move the wheel with effort. I noticed it while out riding today. When I stopped I tryed to push it and I thought the break was on. I managed to ride home with it with no burning smells but with a slight loss of performance (if I can use this word while talking about a YBR). I checked the chain and sprockets. The front sprocket was heavily clogged with gunk I cleaned this out but the whel is still stiff. Any ideas? Cheers Jimbo
Slack chain
oh I know but i'm a tight arse and skint, not a good combination. I can get a chain sprocket set for £25 £ 40 labour. I wish I could do this job but I dont have the knowhow at the mo. howz the moto guzzi going?
Slack chain
I had a go and adjusted the slack on my chain. Done everything by the manual went out and the bike ran good. But my wife went out for a ride and said that she stalled it and noticed a slight change in performance and sound. I checked the chain and it was a bit slacker. I mentioned earlier that I was running out of alighnment mark but its actualy on the middle mark. AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!
Slack chain
Thanks very much. I have not attempted this yet.Its been done by professional machanics so I hope the rear spindle has been tightened and the oil has been changed last month. I have a feeling its going to be a new Chain and sprocket. such is life Jimbosimbo
ybr125 any owners?
Hi How did you get on with your test? Mines booked sept 9th. I'm from Bowling between Clydebank and Dumbarton and my test will be in Dumbarton. I'm crappin masel. I cant get the u turn pegged. I could tell someone how to do one but...... I totaly love my wee YBR. I know its small and slow but I put 2000 miles on it, went to Bute, Aberfeldy home vis oban, Berwick and my first trip was to Largs. 60 mph does me fine and if I get stuck behind an auld biddy or a caravan then I can look at the view.
ybr125 any owners?
Hi I'd love to know how it goes compaired to the 125, Its a smart lookin bike
ybr125 steering lock
hi there Try pushing the key in as you wiggle the handlebars mine pops into place if I push and bounce it of the full lock. Hope that makes sense. I've just got to remember to do this before I activate my alarmed disc lock or I get it in the ears.
Slack chain
Hi Guys me again I'm Havin chain problems with my YBR. It keeps going slack. I posted reciently about false neutrals can these be caused by slack chains? I was out tonight practicing hill starts, stalled a couple of times (real good ones) then started getting false neutrals. The bike started sounding gruffer. I checked the chain its slacker than before I left, Its almost like the stalls slackened the chain! Anyway I'm going to have a go at adjusting it, I have the manual (and no machanical experiance) but there is a nut that is baffeling me. Its the brake torque rod nut which has a pin through it. What's that all about and what do I do with it? I think Im running out off alinement marks what is the next step remove a link and reset or get a new chain. Arrrgh so many question.
False neutrals
Cheers Guys I am wearing bike boots but they have a rubber section for preventing wear on the boots when changing gear. It's possible the rubber gets slippery in the rain. The problem is not remembering wot I done to cause the false neutral in the first place. The oil has been changed during a service they put silcoline in it, thelast oil used was Shell helix plus 10w40 the man said silcoline is THE BEST. I suspect this is one of the thing you have to put up with on 2 wheels. On the subject of catching up with other bikes my YBR has a problem keepin up with its own exhaust emissions Jimbosimbo
False neutrals
Hi There I wonder if anyone can throw some light on to why false neutrals happen. I an still a learner and have had a lot of these recently. I had the bike (YBR 125) serviced and last week had the chain tightened. I had a bad one tonight, nerely went over the handle bars, wobbled all over the shop AND sounded my horn just to draw attention to myself. I have learned not to panick when this happens but I feel they are too frequent. It only happens when go from first to second it could be that I'm to light with the shift. Any ideas? Cheers
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