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Everything posted by Peabody

  1. Peabody replied to TazR6's post in a topic in General
    Only reload once? :lol:
  2. Well, I said "I could be wrong." I stand corrected. The colors run vertical on the French flag, don't they? He does sound like your typical, American H-D owner. I know, there's an overabundance of those tards talking trash on this side of the Atlantic. Thanks for the clarification Blackhat.
  3. Peabody replied to david1950's post in a topic in The Bar
    LOL! "riding machines" means something else over here. LTR, if you've read all of my posts you would see that I only get defensive where the bashing starts, but I've heard about your "wind up." I wasn't being too serious, and there really is a dedicated V Star 1300 spot on the other forum. Just a word of caution if anyone from GB goes over there. There is zero tolerance for the "wind up". I'll just leave it at that. Ride safe.
  4. "Harley lover"? If I want an overpriced boat anchor and had more money than sense I'd waste it on a Hardly. But you are bashing a Yamaha (Raider) on a Yamaha forum I just wish I could afford a Raider. One other thing that Harley hates to hear about. HD sold about 50,000 units in 2006. Honda sold 1.2 million Shadows that same year. Smart riders go metric.
  5. Peabody replied to david1950's post in a topic in The Bar
    Gotta let the real riders know where the real forums are. If you like incorrect postings yoda, go read some of your own.
  6. Peabody replied to bjtkilla's post in a topic in General
    I'm not familiar with Virginia, but if you look up the Artist's Co-op, they have good prices and overnight most orders. Also, most larger cities will have a Pearl's. I have a well-stocked hobby shop here in town so I do my shopping there.
  7. Peabody replied to david1950's post in a topic in The Bar
    There is a better forum. Yamahamotorcycleforum.com It's far better than this one. gf, The mechanic told me the valves only need to be adjusted every other tune-up. The top speed for the 1300 is 125 mph. Hope this helps.
  8. blackhat, it's been fun chatting with ya, but the American bashing is apparently condoned and encouraged by the moderators. Whether I'm kicked off this site or not, I'll be on the American yamaha forum. Have a safe trip to the states this summer.
  9. I'm about to get bumped off this forum (it's mainly a site for Brits to bash Americans) and they don't like it when Americans defend themselves. so I'll be brief. I haven't lived in Central Florida for a while. I know of a few shops north of Orlando, but haven't spent anytime in Davenport. I'm not sure how widespread HOPS is (not to be mistaken for Ihop) They have a good menu and a microbrewery on-site that makes a good amber. They're all over FL. Sorry I can't be of more assistance. BTY, there is another forum, http://www.yamahamotorcycleforum.com that's run by Americans. Better setup and no country bashing over there.
  10. Peabody replied to Robbie's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Sounds like your a month late pulling the plug out Goff. One word, lady. Douche. Now I know how you keep from overpopulating your island. Bitter repulsive skanks like you are easy to say no to. What combat zones have YOU fought in? Yeah, I didn't think so. Having been to sandland and dealing with trigger-happy COWARDS with the union jack on their uniform I have first hand experience and thus a right to say what happened. At least you know your brothers are safe, they're in the safest part of Iraq avoiding combat. Apparently the closest Britain has come to writing accurate history is Harry Potter. As pointed out once before and only on two threads, I didn't start insulting riders from other countries first. YOU DID. Yet again, all you can do is what you do best. Piss off. Looks like I'm not the one who's blown a gasket. One more thing you tuna smelling rag whore. None of the men on your side of the island (south) can fight like a man, who says you can? Irrelevant, I see I offended you and your boyfriend. My unarmed Heterophobic friend. Irony is ignorant Brits spouting off baseless, stereotypical insults using low-brow slang and then claiming to be more refined and sophisticated. Racism? Tell that to my Asian wife and my best man at our wedding. He's from Jamaica. America is the cultural melting pot. It has been for over 200 years. As rude and racist as you are towards people in other countries, one can only wonder how foreigners are treated in Britain. Then again, maybe that explains why your own citizens blow up your transit systems. Unfortunately Florida lacks the more refined cultural highlights found further north. (not to mention the profane idea of serving tea with loads of sugar and ice.) The museums are lacking, and Mickey Mouse is a plastic tasteless tourist trap (that gathers an unusual amount of Brits). Whoever, your petty insults are no more refined and not even remotely accurate. Rob, Britain lost their war with India in 1947. That's why your not in India anymore. You've been kicked out of every country you've invaded. Vietnam was a "police action" at the request of the South Vietnamese government. When it became obvious that the Vietnamese people didn't want us there, we left. The only reason Britain isn't a German speaking country (you were loosing) is because of U.S. intervention. I thought the hatchet had been buried on this thread, but just like it was started (by a Brit) it has been rehashed again.
  11. Peabody replied to matt33's post in a topic in The Bar
    You would probably get a more qualified answer on an American Yamaha forum. Mostly just bitter Brits trying to put down the U.S. of A on here.
  12. Peabody replied to Robbie's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Big talk for a wanker with NO BALLS. Put the dick back in your mouth. You couldn't look any more Lame than you already do. By the way, the other riders here from the home of the motorcycle are getting a big laugh at what a twat you are. I'm surprised you know how to read or write at all, with a British education.
  13. YZF, you ignorant clown. Having been there I can tell you first hand the Brits hide in the least volatile province in the country. Hiding from the real fighting. And your ignorance is really pitiful. It really is. It would appear British arrogance is only matched by your universal ignorance. Marine Force Recon were in Bagdad before the U.S. even sent our ground forces over. Lasers had to be pointed on the targets from the ground. It was USMC Force Recon getting that job done. They wrote the book on covert. They spent most of their time on the north side of the combat zones during the Vietnam war calling in air strikes. Baby siting British forces is the only way you could describe the situation in Iraq. British forces shoot at anything and everything every time they here even the slightest pop. They shot at us more than the Iraqis did. They were cowards, pretty much all of them. They come from a long line of cowards. Shooting women and children in the U.S. during the revolution, to bombing hospitals and orphanages blindly in the dark in world war 2. Spineless. British forces haven't done anything but cause trouble for everyone in Iraq. Everyone on the planet knows the British would be speaking German if it wasn't for U.S. military forces in Europe in BOTH world wars. Oh, but it wasn't a world war for you, you weren't able to handle your own battles, let alone all the fights we were moping up in BOTH hemispheres. Keep crying about how great you are. Somebody might believe you someday.
  14. Get a bike and ride it? I've got a 1300 thank you and I ride every day. If you can't get 300,000 miles out of a motor then your not maintaining it properly. The insults started from loud mouth butt pirates on your side of the Atlantic. As for keyboard warrior, I'm 6'1 and 210. Putting fuck ups like you into body bags is what we do in the Corps. Bring your fish eating limey ass on over. Semper Fi
  15. It took me a few days to get used to using the heel/toe shifter on my V*1300, but now I wonder why I didn't put one on my 650. It also keeps the toe on your boots from getting worn out.
  16. I've seen the Rocker C. I'll take the Raider. They were compared in every way (except for engine displacement). Needless to say, the Raider ran circles around the Rocker. But then again my bicycle can run circles around a Harley.
  17. If you look back on this thread it was a Brit who started bashing America, not the other way around. Of course I'm going to say something. The moron who started the thread wasn't bashing Britain either. He was just deluding himself while he sucked on his boyfriend. Hell, he isn't flying the stars and bars, so it doesn't look like he's even claiming to be American. It might also be noted that some of the first responses against him were other American riders, so the HD hang-up isn't universal here. There are plenty of BBC comedies that portray Brits the same way they portray the U.S. Dirty t-shirt wearing drunks who live in squalor and have the tact of a bull in a China shop. Looks like America isn't the only English speaking country with rednecks. I didn't have a beef with anyone on here until some idiot started insulting the U.S. If some brit wants to open his cum receptacle and try to put down Americans, you can grow a pair and come on over. My AK-47 is locked and loaded. Until then I've got some new tires to wear out. It's certainly amusing to watch someone try to claim that 20 towelheads (we were able to detain at least one) buying tickets to fly out of the same airport on the same day to attack U.S. targets as 4 attacks. Thats like saying Normandy was attacked 156,000 times on D-day. One coordinated attack. The only variable was the times that the flights took off. Logan isn't that big of an airport, so the planes took off at different times, thus the difference in impact times. Goff, Diana was probably the only Brit that had any respect from some Americans, but your queen was "too good" for her and looked down her nose at Diana. A bit arrogant for a shriveled up old miser. All the more reason why nobody likes your queen over here. There are over 3 million motorcycle riders over here (I wouldn't have counted the HD owners, but I didn't have anything to do with the research) and we put a combined 20.6 BILLION miles on our rides. Live to ride, your full of shit. What kind of tires do you use in the snow and ice? Not to mention that's a lot of miles for an island rider. Even for kilometers. I'd like to see you put those miles on in good weather. I doubt it. I see you've got plenty of imagination. But unlike you, I do ride. The weather, as usual, is perfect. I'll probably put another 1,000 miles on this weekend. I thought this was a riding forum. Ride your bikes and shut the fuck up.
  18. Goff you idiot. 9-11 was one coordinated attack. Or do you limeys actually count every person in a battle as a separate attack? Your rail system was attacked first, then what, months later your bus system gets hit. You idiots had months to prepare and prevent (like America does) another attack, but you couldn't figure that out. Getting attacked by your own citizens says a lot about your little island. Your own people don't like you! Not one of the 9-11 terrorists were from America. They were Saudi and Egyptian. Terrorists can just waltz right onto a bus or train in England and light it up. In America they had to hijack a plane to get near anything worth targeting. One more thing. The last plane didn't hit anything but a field because Americans stopped the towel heads before they could complete their mission. I didn't hear about any Brits trying to stop the attacks in London. Just a lot of running and crying. The British way. When you get a masters we'll have a real conversation, but your full of shit. Offers from the U.S.? I doubt it. 140,000 jobs lost in the U.S., but we'd look at a country with a secondary education system no better than ours for workers? Don't think so. A friend of mine did move to London a year ago after a Brit company contacted and recruited him. 80,000 brit. pounds a year was enough for him to move over there. Does that mean nobody in England has a decent education? By your reasoning, yes. Your desperate for Americans with American educations, but that is as flawed as everything else you say. We are still the most advanced country on earth, and that isn't due to foreigners. "Articulate folk"? You damn limeys can't even pronounce your "h" when you talk. Our shores and borders are already flooded, by Mexicans and islanders. Live to Ride, that's big talk for a guy that uses an American phrase for your username. Not to mention that your the ones who are always trying to put down the U.S. first. I guess being on a small, cold island has made you bitter. The whining and moaning has been coming from your side of the pond ever since we threw your ancestors out of ours. Keep whining. It's 85 deg. F. outside and sunny. I'm going to go ride my bike. Again.
  19. Not trying to sound like a Harley supporter, but to be fair, you did ride the smallest, least powered harley you can buy and the sportsters are the only HD's with hard-mounted motors. All of the bigger models are rubber mounted, so the engine kicks and shakes in the frame without making the rider feel like they're in San Fransisco. I'm not sure about Britain, (how many HDs are in England anyway?) but in the U.S. the only metric bike that might be mistaken for a Harley is the Kawasaki 2000 Vulcan. The lack of dual lifter rods give all the others away. That said, I ride a Yamaha and wouldn't trade it for a Hardly ableson for any reason. As for Zoom, I did pretty well studying Geography, but could be wrong, isn't that the French flag on his post? He sounds like a typical, retarded yank harley rider.
  20. kniller, This has probably been circulating around GB awhile, but I have seen a poster at some of the Scottish festivals here. First there were the Scots. They honored the sabbath, everything else was fair game. Then there were the Welsh. They preyed on their knees, and their neighbors. Next there were the Irish. They don't know what they want, but they're willing to fight for it anyway! And lastly there were the English. Who declared themselves a "self-made nation"- thus relieving the Almighty of a terrible responsibility. :lol: All in good fun.
  21. Well thank god for that!! I hate Harleys! ) Amen bro. Well said.
  22. Irrelevant, your name is apparently quite fitting. First, very few Americans bother to visit Britain. "Tens of thousands"? I'd like to see that statistic. The only vacation spots worth mentioning are in Scotland. America has far more history than 300 years. Hell, St. Augustine Florida dates back to the 16th century and that doesn't even include Native American History. And while your discussing leadership, at least we're smart enough to put a limit on how long an idiot like George W. can sit in office. Unlike your fat queen. British heritage? Let's see, your country had slaves before the U.S., to be more specific, your own people were slaves to your kings and landowners. How civilized is that? Your country was also one of the last to utilize eating utensils. Human rights? You do realize why America was formed? We were free (well, most of us) when your country still had debtor's prison, no freedom of religion and subjugation to government. As for cars and trains, until the United States put engineering know-how into cars and trains they were only oddities with very little functional value. America invented the largest, most powerful locomotives until the 1940's. The car (which we made into a viable, affordable mode of transportation) made rail a less feasible means of transportation. Europe eventually caught up and passed the U.S. in train technology, but that's because most Europeans still use rail for daily commuting. It's threads from Brits here that complain about horses in the roadways, not Americans. One more thing about transportation, how are those planes (American invention) workin out for ya? As for Britain being a world power (yeah, right) your little island was nothing more than an afterthought to the Larger, more prosperous U.S. Our country dwarfed yours from the start and population/economic growth in the U.S. far outpaced your island with ease. Britain has NO influence on the U.S. We don't even care what your doing on your island. "Only country to hold influence?" Tell that to all the countries that have U.S. military bases and repeatedly ask the U.S. for assistance. You need to get your head out of that shit pile you've buried it in and take a real look around. We have more muslims, and more people from other cultures than Britain could ever fit. My wife is Asian and my neighbors are from Hungary and India. We are the melting pot. If your in such better shape, why is it your public transit system that keeps getting hit by Muslims? Anyone can claim to work however many hours per week, but the official work week in Britain (last time I checked) was less than 40 hours. It's less than 40 hours in nearly all other civilized countries, and your pay is twice as much as the U.S. As for "jargon", I get the feeling your job involves the use of a shovel. I know the American public education system needs work, but your just sad. RTIX.com. Look it up. We just bought Tutogen medical in Germany. At least the Germans are still setting the pace for technology in Europe. Not as advanced as ours biotechnologies, but close. Get off your ego and take a real look around.
  23. Peabody replied to Peabody's post in a topic in Events, Rideouts & Trackdays
    No offense meant, bro. Most American riders don't know what it is either, but it looks like you Brits are a bit more serious about your riding than most Americans claim to be. The rules are simple for the four corners ride. You can start anywhere you like, but you have to ride your bike to San Ysidro, California, Blain, Washington, Madawaska, Maine and Key West, Florida. If you take the most direct route, you can do it in 9,497 miles. One more thing. You have to get certain photos and receipts from each point to prove you actually got there and you only have 21 days to complete the ride if you want to be an official completer of the four corners ride. There isn't an organized run for this, you mail in for a packet and start whenever you get the urge. I've only met one other rider who has done it. I will someday, but my budget isn't working out right now. I'm only 600 miles from Key West, so I've got a bit of a leg up. I'm just wondering if anyone (especially Americans) here have made the run.
  24. I watched a video about vacationing in Scotland. When they said the summers get up to 50 deg. F I had to hear it again to believe it. Thats a cold day. I don't think I have the right gear to visit.