Everything posted by Peabody
the V star 1300 rocks
hey V, Have you had any problems with the Ethanol fuel yet? When I rode my 1300 to Houston last August I was steamed about the 10% ethanol requirement. The dealership there (Sugarland area) said they're kept busy with gasket replacements and gummed up carbs (not a problem for our FI bikes), but the gasket problem sounds expensive. I know the manual says nothing over 10%, but I think it also said not to use ethanol for extended periods. Also, I spoke with the Yamaha factory reps at Daytona earlier this month. They said that the straight pipes would increase take off slightly, but I would lose top-end torque and the heads would eventually scorch. Since I've ridden nearly 20K miles already I'm sure I would encounter those eventual problems sooner than later. I have heard the shotgun pipes on the 1300 and it sounded so good I'm sure my HD riding friends would be pissed.
For the Americans on this forum!
1. The Japanese did "kick the hornet's nest," first, but it is well documented that Churchill was constantly demanding the U.S. get fully involved in the European theater first. Sounds like a call for help to me. 2. I stand by my belief that if you want to name something, invent it first. Regardless of where the language came from. I bet Shakespheare would be rolling in his grave if he heard your version of English now. The language here is still English, and to all the beaners who think otherwise, just read the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, any street sign and ALL American schools. To the Latinos who don't speak English, get the F**K out until you do. 3. The oldest building in the U.S. is in St. Augustine, Florida, part of a Spanish settlement, and is from the mid 1500's. (it's being held up with ropes). Compared to how old the cities of Europe are, we don't have anything architecturally significant, (Indian mounds are said to be 10,000 years old) but the new stuff (massive bridges, dams, buildings, etc.) are impressive in their own right. At least in a structural way. But I'm sure Boston and New York would take offense, since they were thriving ports in the 1700's too. In regards to the fumbling, retarded inbreeder in the White House, your village in Texas called, they said they miss their idiot, so come home soon! 1/20/2009 Bush gets the boot.
1300 vstar valve adjustment
I got the gold service for my 1300 when I bought it in May. The 4,000 mile service invoice runs in the neighborhood of $480. I'm just glad I don't have to pay it for another 2 years. I did most of the servicing on my old bike (the shop where I bought it sabotaged it on the 600 mile service) and Yamaha wouldn't do jack about it. They say if the oil levels weren't spec'd (the dealership tried to give me the bike without any oil at all) then the warranty was void. When I said the dealer is the one that drained the oil out in the first place, they said that wasn't Yamaha's problem. (I'm still not sure why I got another Yamaha after that) I'm about to hit 20,000 miles on the odometer, so I'll ask my mechanic if the valves are needing adjustment every time I bring it in.
Oh, just a warning, If you ever come over the pond, remember NOT to call anyone a BERK, especially in London. You just might Offend the wrong person, and end up with a slap The last spud that tried to lay a hand on me got the business end of my .45 cal. 1911 shoved through their teeth. Heard handguns are prohibited over there. Not here (gotta love our castle law).
All of these bikes are wannabee Harleys
Yeah, dusting 250,000 Japanese (mostly women and children) wasn't the most civilized move, but they didn't have long to suffer. That and the U.S. didn't like the idea of fighting everyone of those suicidal zips for another 5 years. If you've never seen the test site for the first detonation, check out White Sands, NM (not the town, the white spot to the north) on google maps.
- Guests
Will I ever get to ride my new bike in the dry!
Florida gets relatively cold (40 Degrees Fahrenheit) in the winter, but only intermittently a few days a year and that is the dry season. It's around 87 today and not a cloud in the sky. Our roads are flat and straight, but plenty of sun. You should come down for a ride! How big do your bike events get?
- Guests
All of these bikes are wannabee Harleys
[ If Harley made planes, would anyone be crazy enough to fly them?
All of these bikes are wannabee Harleys
Only someone who's never seen a Harley would fall for that. The only bike that looks remotely close engine wise, would be the Vulcan 2000, and only the dual lifter rods. That said, I wouldn't buy one of those overpriced, unreliable pieces of Wisconsin junk. If Harley had as many engineers as they have lawyers they would probably build a better bike.
What custom/cruiser bike to you guyshave?
So if anyone is interested in having some paint done rather cheap as he only does it as a hobby let me know and i shall pass on his number - he doesnt do base coat or laquering so you would have to sort that yourself. "No base coat or lacquering"? Jees, that's the easiest part. I custom paint bikes, but not for cheap. I only do quality work since my reputation is attached to every job done. Minimum, $1,000, U.S. This forum doesn't accept even small images, what gives?
Drooling quadruped.. - is this one of your slang terms then? Cos its really rather pants "pants"? . "drooling quadruped" is proper English, NOT slang. It's really sad how often you can call a guy a homosapien out here and watch them insist that they like girls. American slang: rub, chump, mo, trailertrash, instabiker. My brother was told to shut his man-pleaser when he was in the Marine Corps. "Anal Glaucoma" - (I don't see my ass hanging out with you). Depends on the part of America ya live in.
- Guests
Sunday Riders!!!!!!!
Sounds like you guys (and gals) suffer from the same problem we have here. We call 'em squids. Ignorant, inexperienced posers lacking in gray matter, thinking the world is their personal racetrack, ratcheting up the fatality count. I don't give 'em an inch on the road and I haven't encountered a crotch-rocket yet that can out leg my 1300 off the line. They're almost as bad as Hardly-Ableson riders. Most of them get the Darwin Award eventually.
- Guests
who are we all
I'd like to get my hands on my grand dad's 1976 Bonneville Silver Jubilee Anniversary Addition (#2 of 2,000 sold in the U.S.). He never rode it. He opened the crate, filled her with a preservative, and sealed her back up. It's been in that crate for 32 years. My mom is the only living person who knows its whereabouts. (I know its in rural Pennsylvania, no idea which town) Estimated value in U.S. dollars: 80-100,000.
Where do I apply for that job? I agree about those easyriders. Ooh, 300 miles in a month! I do that in a week just riding to work 5 days a week and usually put 200 to 600 miles on the weekends. The most I've put on the saddle in a day was 970 miles (Florida to Houston, Texas) in about 14 hours. One of these days I'm gonna make it into the Iron Butt Association. The most I've ever done in a year is about 20,000. But I don't ride for a living. Still, hats off to ya.
Loud music / noise distracts and covers other, more important traffic sounds (sirens, horns, etc.). Statistics show that people who have the radio cranked up or wear earphones are far more likely to get involved in an accident.
- earphones
1100 Custom vs 650 Custom
I guess you haven't sampled the drain water we call beer in America. Low alcohol content (3%) and no flavor. I had the 650 custom, and I don't think it will fit. If you know any fiberglassers you might want to think about making one with a little help.
one for the scottish people of this fair isle
Norfolk is a nice area, lots of carriers based there and frigates under construction. You will probably be disappointed with Busch Gardens. It's European themed (even has a shop with knock-off bagpipes), but poorly done. Pizza in "England", hamburgers and fries in "Italy", tacos in "Germany." I'm sure you get the picture. Typical American, geography flunky must have set it up. Never heard of Brads, but I'll see if I can dig anything up. Gotta be careful, though. Last rally I went to several trailer loads of bikes were being seized by the cops. They were all stolen and then sold on Ebay. If you do get to do some riding here, be careful, we Americans do know shit about driving.
- mileage
What custom/cruiser bike to you guyshave?
I don't have a good pic of mine yet. Blue V-Star 1300.
the V star 1300 rocks
I agree 100%. The performance of my 1300 is in a different class than the 1100. But the looks are odd at best. I'm also wondering why they put this bike in the V-Star family when its different in so many ways. I guess the fact that they are now calling the 250 Virago a V Star too isn't surprising. I just rolled 18,500 miles as of yesterday. It has a few issues (wind buffeting from around the fuel tank is at the top of my list) but still an amazing bike.
one for the scottish people of this fair isle
I'm in Gainesville, Florida. You probably haven't heard of the University of Florida (invented Gatorade, 50,000+ students) but they're here. Your destination is about 650 miles south. (what the hell is in Elizabeth City?) You will be in one of the best places in the United States for riding motorcycles. The real riding is on the western side. BTY, Scottish festivals are BIG in the U.S. It's how I got into piping. Luckily the weather in the mountains there is closer to your liking (only gets in the upper 80's, low 90's. Since I'm going to be a dad in 3 months, I'm probably not going to get a chance to travel any.