Everything posted by Kennyboy
New 08 xv250 in the uk
Hi I have been searching for my next bike as I passed my test restricted on a bn125 kawasaki would like a new 250 & it seems theres to shops in the uk providing these 2008 YAMAHA XV VIRAGO 250cc 0 miles. 08 MODEL, FOR 08 REG, MEGA LOW FINANCE DEAL, View at our showroom or order by phone, DELIVERY AVAILABLE NATIONWIDE. £3,299. Kjm Superbike Ltd & I saw other adverts on mcnews online for 2008 250 virago/dragster. I was wondering is any1 knows if these models are inported as yamaha stopped making these models for the uk market, & being new to bikes I dnt want to be ripped off inother words could buying 1 or these still get it fixed in the uk if anything goes wrong ?? any help & advice most welcome.
- newbie
- new to this
Any activity near Glasgow?
you are added to my hotmail, chat soon Kenny
Newbie, and with a dilemma
Hi I agree why the rush to go fast, also heres a thought if you want a fast bike even for a 125 then why get a cruiser? I am struggling on what to buy as my next bike at the end of the year I love the look of crusiers but I still dont know what to get, virago or dragstar
Any activity near Glasgow?
Best day for me is a Saturday so any1 willing to meet within our distance feel free to set up something
Any activity near Glasgow?
Certainly glad too not long passed my restricted test so I still have to try the motorway,
How do I de-restrict my XT125R
Good luck when you go for your test I hope you know that although the new test starts in oct I have heard that test centres wont be taking new test from mid September, I am glad I passed my restricted test on the 10th april ill be getting a bigger bike later in the year,
Any activity near Glasgow?
Hey mate am in Paisley got a kawaski elimintor 125
Virago 250
Hi I know you are just starting out so to be honest it doesnt really matter what you start on as it is more than likely you will fall off any size of bike (statisticly new riders crash within the 1st 6months of riding) if you are looking at the virago/dragster 250 then you could head to spain where Yamaha still make them, hope that helps you with your new choice also ride safe.
- Hello
who are we all
Hi Im Kenny 42years old from Paisley, rode a cd200twin back in 1983 yup I was a bad boy after years of bringing up a family & work I thought time for me to get back onto bikes this time legal lol I will be sitting my 3rd test very soon 3rd time lucky as they say & at the moment I ride a Kawasaki Eliminator125 but thinking about the yam dragstar after I have passed my test
After returning to biking after years off the road due to children & such things im now in my 40s (guess Im living my youth again lol) when I rode at 17 in the 80s I had no experience & little muchg else in the way of legality & think now that restrictions are a good thing & I am in noway in a hurry to get a big bike I know I will have my 125 for atlease 1yr more so restrictions are good but I also think it should apply to cars also
Hi every1, just found this site I have a Kawasaki Eliminator 125 at the moment & going for my restricted test 3rd lucky soon I am interested in the yamaha crusiers but cant make my mind up what to go for between the older virago 535 or the newer dragstar 650 after I get my licence any comments about both bikes good & bad would be good to hear cheers Kenny