Everything posted by dragon lady
24-26th June 3B's Bike Show
24/25/26 June 2005 3B's Hampshire The Only Fools & Bikers Custom & Classic Bike Show 11 At the Headley Park Hotel (Lith Club) Nr. Borden, Hants (off A325) Beer, Bands, Disco, Fireworks, Childrens entertainer. A brilliant week end for all. For more details and pics of previous shows go to 3bs.uk.com would be nice to meet some of you,
3B's Northants 14th May
3B's Northamptonshire 14th May One night Party At Old Scouts Rugby Club Rushmere Road Northampton Band, camping, food, beer a good night for all. For more details contact Patch 01327 312615 email [email protected]
Free and Single
Go and have some fun, your a long time dead. Got rid of old man brought the bike and have not had so much fun in 30 years. Off to Cornwall tomorrow then up to Northamptonshire and the end of the month off to a rally on the I.O.W. I love bein single. Never had so many friends. You know what they say. Make hay while the sun shines.
4th Last Stand Rally April 1-3rd
Just a fun week-end Bands, Rock Disco, Food and very silly games and of course loads of booze. At Holtwood Farm Nr. Newbury. Berks. For more details go to www.3bs.uk.com It would be good to see some of you.
Nice pics. originally from West Bromwich up there in Midlands now live down south in Surrey, hope to move further south to Cornwall
Slippery seat
you can buy these non slip sheets from diy places, they are to stop things slipping off the dash of a car or work tops etc. you do not have to fix them on if you don't want to, put them on when you are riding and take it off when you stop folds up like a handkie and can be cut to any size or shape.
So close.....so very close!
You could also try Breaking 125 in Aldershot 01252 330060 he will put them in the post for you if he has them, there is also Bernie's on 01252 330742 they both break bikes.
Alan you were not on your own, I have spent all crimble and new year in bed, my daughter travelled 12 miles to bring me some crimble dinner, which I hardly ate. My first full day out of bed was yesterday. Dr. came out 3 times to see me. still feel very weak. missed all the rides I would have gone on, that is the worse bit. But glad to hear you are feeling better, but I don't think we really have anything to complain about when you listen to the news, at least we are still alive. My thoughts go out to the thousands of people who watched their loved ones being swept away never to be seen again.
top speed
I have 535 top end is only about 75 My cousin said I was doing 80 once, but I think I must have been going down hill with the wind behind me. But they are great little cruisers and I have done many miles on mine and intend to do many more, yes a little more speed would be good now and then, so if you find a way please let me know.
Custom Road Star
Really scrummy bikes, but could someone find a bit off male garnish for us females, could really do with something to cheer me up.
long way round
I have got the box set from Choices Direct.com £15.29 incl p&p I have enjoyed what I have seen of it, as I am still not well not watched it all. My cousin said it was brill and he is getting a copy.
Hope you are feeling better Pete, did you still have a good day and get all the pressies you wanted. I am still stuck in bed, my back is giving me probs and cant walk much, but I am use to it. I have been laying here planning some rallies for next year. That makes my Crimble, looking forward to what I am going to do next.
Good to hear you are all having a good time. all my plans went out the window this morning, have had to spend the day in bed ( unfortunately on my own). still got my crimble dinner, daughter and family brought it over for me and got my pressies from under the tree and brought the computer into the bedroom. First Christmas I have spent at home in a long time and this is what happens. You all have a good time and have a few drinks for me, then you can say it is my fault you have a hang over.
Snow !
I wish it would snow here like it did when I use to live in the west midlands, you could build great snowmen and have some brill snowball fights, now i have the grandchildren i have an excuse to go and be a kid again, if we only had some snow. (not such good fun on two wheels though)
Council tax and how the feds spend your doe...
The timings not bad though, When I was beaten up in my own home it only took the police 4 hours to get there. my daughter who lives 50 miles from me was here before them. but there are loads of things they waste money on. the worst I think is when they leave big holes in the roads, then come the end of the finacial year they have to spend all the money they have not spent so they dig up roads that don't need doing and leave even more holes or drains and man holes sticking up, and putting in stupid round a bouts where they are not needed.
Christmas Card
:cheers :fee :xmas :xmas Merry Christmas to you all have a good one.
Christmas TV
I decided there was nothing on tv worth watching, but have got the dvd box set of the long way round on its way, good buy from choices direct.com £15.29 incl. p&p
coppers are fekin wankers
ok so I had a bad day, bikes now back on the road, I feel better. But who really gives a sh*t if JM has a bike or not, as a registered disabled old gal I did not get upset when he went off on one, but what got to me was another slagging him off for say Spastic and then being totally racist which makes him no better than JM and I have to admit the violent comments don't do anything for me, after my home being broken into and being beaten with a baseball bat, you look at thing differently. One of these days I might get to meet you all at a rally, 1st one at the moment is in April as January one is cancelled. we will see who is old then, and I can promise you it won't be me,
coppers are fekin wankers
I have had a few bad days, bike died have to fit a new genny the week-end and then the compter died. Thought I would catch up on things, not so sure I should have bothered, season of good will let me know where it has gone. I have three year old twin granddaughters more grown up than you lot, may be I will come back again in another few days and see if there is any cival conversation and things of interest to read.
The Christmas lunch / meal
Ususally go to Cornwall an cook trad crimble dinner for my cousin but plans have change over week-end now the kids are argueing whose house I am going to for dinner, so I think it will be something to throw in the microwave (no washing up) and tell them all I have gone somewhere else.
Virago xv125
:hi I am not very technical so I hope you can understand me I have the 535 I had to take the foot peg off and the bar and also the clutch thing you know the bit you adjust to change gear on mine, but do the filter and strainer at the same time as changing the oil or you have to do it all again. The virago's had a lot of probs with the carbs freezing and they started to put heaters on them about 1989 I think, but not sure about the 125
Those 'crap' Christmas presents.
I dread to think what I will get this year, I could not think of anything to drop hints about like I did for my birthday and the kids got me a new lid which I was desperate for, as long as they don't buy me any more ornaments, (I hate dusting. ) :roll: I would rather have the money, then chuck tent on bike and bugger off for a few days some where.
coppers are fekin wankers
I think next time you will keep your mouth shut, the cops in Bristol were real shits when I lived there, but I think you may have asked for that one. But the M32 is a nice streach to put you foot down on :roll:
christmas list
I have tried to think of something I would like for Crimble, and there really is nothing I want, the best I could come up with is that everyone else gets what they want and has a bril time :xmas :xmas :cheers