Everything posted by Ajdoyle77
How do I upgrade to twin disc on xs400?
You're only supposed to use the caliper side of the 550 forks, so it wouldn't line up. I may email him, or I may give up on that mod all together...
How do I upgrade to twin disc on xs400?
Thanks. Now, I bought forks from an '82 xj550 off ebay. They won't work. the 550 forks have an offset axle hole, where the 400 has a centered hole. Anybody out there need a pair of xj550 forks?
How do I upgrade to twin disc on xs400?
Thanks for the link. I couldn't find translation for some key words. Here's what I got: 1. Fork of the Yamaha XJ550 2. Rotor of the XS 400 12E (identical care!) 3. Bremmszange one from the left side of the XJ550. (Identical care!) 4. a longer Hohlschraube to the distributor. 5. Handbremmszylinder de XJ550. My guess is: Bremmszange = caliper? Hohlschraube = brake line? Handbremmszylinder = master cylinder? Can anyone confirm?
How do I upgrade to twin disc on xs400?
I have an '83 xs 400 seca (with the monoshock rear). I am doing a cafe style mod job. I'd like to upgrade to twin discs in the front. What do I need for forks? Caliper? I'm not familiar with Yamaha, don't know anything about the interchangability. Also, are there any decent upgrades for the rear monoshock?
front fork seal replacement and questions
As for removing the old seals, i saw an interesting shortcut. seal replacement link Summarized: You pull the forks out of the triple tree (remove wheel, brakes, etc..) Remove the dust seal, and the oil seal retaining clip, etc. Remove the spring cap and fill the fork to the top with oil. Recap it. Lay the fork in a wide doorway, and use a jack to compress the tube. The seal will press right out. Their method makes a mess with the oil, I stood it up in a doorway. I used this method for my ninja, worked beautifully.
new to the classics... how can I improve it?
I did try that; It got me nowhere.
new to the classics... how can I improve it?
If you have access to a (bridgeport) mill, and some small carbide end mills, it's pretty quick work... So, is there any one place to go that has a supply of parts for this bike? I thought I read somewhere of somebody upgrading the monoshock by swapping in one from another, larger bike... tried to search, couldn't find it again. The brakes are easy to take care of, I have all the source info I need at the moment. Mostly, it's the suspension I need help with...
another? will 65o exhaust fit a 400?
too bad. it was really cheap. Thanks
another? will 65o exhaust fit a 400?
saw a 2-into-1 from a 650 special. price was good, if it'll fit my '83 400 seca, i'd probably pick it up...
new to the classics... how can I improve it?
I recently acquired an '83 xs400 seca. It's missing parts (gas tank, gauges, etc.), but it runs. I was thinking about modifying it, to give that 'cafe racer' look. The look is easy enough to accomplish, but how about improving the handling? I'm quite capable in the garage, but I am used to working with much newer bikes. (I realize this will never perform like the new ones, but I'm sure it can be better than it is...) Would a 2-into-1 exhaust help/hinder performance? (a friend had a gs450, got more power with stock pipes) I have nothing invested in it currently, so spending a few hundred won't kill me. But if I can, I'd rather do without buying anything I can make/modify in my shop. Any useful tips would be greatly appreciated