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Everything posted by pilninggas

  1. sorry should clarify, you dont need to drill the bolts out, just drill the tops 'off' then remove the lock and turn the remainder out with mole grips, stilsons etc
  2. these are shear bolts, they are tightened until they snap so a thief cant just take them out. What you need to do is drill them out. they can be quite hard so oil and a slow drill speed. When you replace you might wanna put new shear bolts on. good luck
  3. gsx650f maybe? getting rave reviews, sweet engine and a practical commuter.
  4. calipers yes, disks no. you'll need an R1 master cylinder to ensure it doesn't feel wooden. its an easy job, but ensure that the pads run on the contact surface fully, depending on the existing wear on your disks you may need to replace with ducati disks.
  5. years ago i had to ride upto lancashire on a 400 superdream (from bristol). The day before, i had a had a quick look at it, and thought yeah it'll be fine. Got up at 7.00am to go, it was belting down with rain. Got to brum (doing 90mph all the way) soaked as my waterproofs had been breached. Realised my wallet was in one of the pockets, money, license etc soaked and ink had ran on various bits and bobs. On to the M6, and i stopped for fuel. Put the bike on the side stand and it wouldnt sit right. The rear tyre was flat! tryed putting air in, but it kept going flat - no RAC as they had blacklisted me- so i rode on up the M6 with a flat at 55mph, traffic got heavy due to an accident and people are flashing me and pointing at the tyre, i was fed up. Got to sandbach and pulled in for a breather, noticed the left silencer was hanging off, found half a bungy and lashed it up. It got much worse though, back on the M6, as i went over the metal plates of the thelwall viaduct, the front wheel moved left to right, but the handle bars stayed straight!!! on the shoulder, i looked and all of the bolts holding the forks to the yokes were easier loose or missing!!!! Rode very slowly for the rest of the journey, soaked, shit-scared the thing was gonna fall apart, and worried that if i stopped it wouldnt restart. A 185 mile journey took me 6 hours on the motorway - last honda i ever owned!
  6. looks great. i bet your mates are all jealous of you!
  7. i think these are restricted via the CDI, though i am not 100% sure. I think you will need to source a UK/european CDI and do a swap. ebay.co.uk, ebay.de etc. not cheap tho if it dont work
  8. so its for sale in the republic and you are in NI? I guess its a few quid for it, but if it is tidy, then it made be worth a look if you want a usable modern classic. id be looking for something with a reasonable SH and the valve job done (20,000km). btw Art cans are rubbish, so id haggle on a replacement for that.
  9. CO2 sensor? do you mean o2/oxygen sensor? This tends to control steady state throttle fuelling under light load and therefore is not an issue at idle (efi bikes tend not to use the O2 sensor at idle or full throttle) so as ^, it needs a tweak on the dyno, maybe powercommander.
  10. ^ if you dont put new scraper rings in, the piston will 'judder' during its reciprocations. I would think the other rings would wear much quicker. Why not replace all the rings while you are in there and give it a light hone.
  11. i thought it was a bit crappy tbh, i was bored as soon as i got there!
  12. you'll need to remove the tank, the airbox and then ^, its a bit of work to get to them, you will also need the yamaha plug spanner as not much else will fit in the access holes. Being 20 valve etc the plugs are deeply recessed.
  13. ill be along at some point to look at the dolly-birds
  14. did you mention on another thread you are 17? if yes you might wanna read: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...15101154AAYusYn
  15. its not that complex, its a moving plate that varies the back pressure in the header pipes. its located in the collector box at the low point of the exhaust system. It is operated by a servo next to the carbs, which moves two cables which open and close the valve. EXUPs can sieze and they need a little TLC to keep them working well.
  16. all the best/ if all that stuff happened to me, i think id pack riding bikes in!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. welcome to the forum, its a great place to be xs250 huh? i dont know all that much about them, all i will say is you don't sound like a noob! i would have thought the VIN number would be on the off-side of the head-stock, but i guess you have looked there. maybe when it was painted it was taken off and not put back on.
  18. pilninggas


    my main concern would be people selling them who don't have any patience and expect an instantaneous response. seriously, how much do you know about bikes in general? if you are less experinced, take someone along who knwos their stuff. If you do know your stuff, take someone anyway, to help ease any clouded judgement. With any performance yamaha, id check it does nt smoke.
  19. Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 600 employees and has the following employee statistics: 29 have been accused of spouse abuse 7 have been arrested for fraud 9 have been accused of writing bad cheques 17 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses 3 have done time for assault 71 cannot get a credit card 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges 8 have been arrested for shop-lifting 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits 84 have been arrested for drink driving in the last year Which organisation is this? It's the 635 members of the House of Commons, the same group that cranks out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us inline. What a bunch of to**er's we have running our country - it says it all. And just to top all that they probably have the best 'corporate' pension scheme in the country.
  20. i would be surprised if you had holed the exhaust caning it, maybe the exup has gone out adjustment (it has a large effect on the exhaust tone) or the joints have a leak.
  21. Ride out to the ace-cafe in brent. Meeeting at 10.00am at the Salutation Inn Castle Coombe, leaving at 10.30am sharp. This is a wilthire-biker ride-out. I will prob be going as will several of those guys.
  22. i dont think most bike insurers really care about car NCB, unfortunately. They ask if you have it just so they can put you on their marketing list for their car insurance products.
  23. is this a bike meet on the plain?
  24. dotted around the Uk are lots of small companies that repair bike fairings etc, usually much cheaper than any other way. google it for you region or check your yellow pages.
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