Everything posted by pilninggas
Another Run to the Alps
The 900 miles was fine, I woke up the next day feeling fine - certainly beats fannying around in northern europe.
Another Run to the Alps
After bigger trips in the last 2 summers, went for something a bit simpler this time: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOApAFy2uslPq8LrM4D6NujD19LRLzZBSHLcPR-tUpWB0rFHE2kXk9T-BrU3K2iGw?key=XzFlbTdieWVOUk9yd3Z0cHR2Y1o5a3VfSVNmVzdn My Fazer is now at 40000 miles, but still did 900 miles in one day, when I did Austria back to Bristol.
Twist the Throttle
I enjoyed all the japanese shows, except Yamaha - nothing about the manufacturing processes whatsoever (unlike the others, even MV got more factory insight), more time spent discussing the corkscrew at LS. Presumably Yam didn't give the show permission to film in the factory. As above ^ better than all the rubbish with Henry Cole (his shows are tragic and seemed to be aimed at non-motorcyclists/boring farts)
Over charged for xj6 diversion
Whilst it is a pain, there are a few factors in the mix: (1) There are many, many used XJ6s for sale, lots low mileage and in good condition. (2) The dealer will have added a margin when you bought it (to make a profit), when you want to trade back in they pretty much subtract the same margin (to ensure they once more make a decent profit). The XJ6 is a brilliant bike, but like many midsize bikes (ER6, GSX650F, SV650 etc) the fact that they are often cheap to buy, only kept for a short time can make depreciation much greater than most other bikes (lots of bikes are assets and lose no value or tend to gain it after a few years).
Powerbands!! Are you man enough ??
What a hideous paintjob, fortunately you can get pattern fzr250 fairings with graphics cheaply. On another note a mate of mine had one of these years ago and it did not have a powerband, it just pulled moderately and cleanly from about 10000 until about 17500 rpm. Nice little bikes, but hideously and pointlessly complex given the power output - destined to be worth a small fortune on that counterintuitive point.
Summer bikers
By and large motorcyclists are quite a liberal group of closely and more loosely affiliated people. If people wave or nod thats fine, if they don't that is also fine. Ride safe.
What do you guys make of this?
I'd just top it up in the first instance and then key an eye on it. it's probably just burped a few times and the level has dropped.
Bike got stolen
I've fitted a few of those alarms. Nigel Cook, like me, is a Design and Technology teacher. Those alarms are okay, but do not fit the remote start, as you need to disable the yamaha-immobiliser and that leaves the bike highly vulnerable to hot-wiring. Do not under any circumstances fit the in-built immobiliser, the reason being is that you need to cut and solder some of the most critical cables in the bike and you will be dependent on some unknown (presumably chinese) electronics within the alarm body to maintain function of the machine. You would not want the immobiliser of the alarm to kick in whilst you are in the outside lane of the motorway or worst still half way around a bend with the bike finely balanced. Sadly unless you can fully conceal the alarm and cover the cable to the siren, they can be disabled very quickly. If you do fit one, only connect the alarm to the battery and indicators, all the other features are irrelevant, insecure or dangerous. ++They are good notifying any scrotes near by that the bike will make a lot of noise and light if tampered with.
Adjustable clutch lever for wrist pain?
To the OP, you do know the 'model specific clutch conversions' that run at £1/4k or more are just chinese kits like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hydraulic-Clutch-Lever-Master-Cylinder-Pump-Pit-Dirt-Bike-125-150-160-200-250-cc-/321983376460 rebadged? When the cable needs replacement on my FZ1, i'm gonna size one of these kits and do the conversion. Edit: btw way that is the first example in google, try searching properly for more OEM looks, various sizes etc.
2 Stroke Pollution
yeah, not sure why my phone was so grainy - must take some more.
2 Stroke Pollution
2 Stroke Pollution
I will pull the top end in the next few weeks and have a look see - do a visual for nipping and do a bit of measuring and wobbling. I am under no illusions, it ain't no FZ1, but equally it doesn't have the 20 valve clearance check either; swings and roundabouts. I would love an RGV, but prices are just a tad too salty for my liking, I couldn't justify that expense, the gamma is still not ludicrous money and will still hold it's value (or appreciate slowly).
2 Stroke Pollution
I'll stick some up tomorrow. Are they any more fragile than any other performance 2 smoke? reading some of their forums, they seem to be largely reliable.
2 Stroke Pollution
I was looking at TDRs (there are a few jdm units for sale atm), after seeing yours at Squires years ago, but I'd need a step ladder to ride one. The only TZR250 (1ma) I saw sold before I got ot it - shame as I would have fitted on it. YPVS' are commanding big money now. It'll be interesting to ride it properly, it certainly pulled well on the, ahem, private test area I trialled it on. I'm used to not over-revving to mitigate valve-bounce (not that you really can with ignition cut and not that it happens due to light valve assemblies), but remember all the strokers I had previously being sweet something like 7k-9k.
2 Stroke Pollution
Is the 'stay off of the redline', simply because power tails off fast? I'm 5'6" and it felt pretty good to me - no less cramped than a ton of other bikes I've owned/ridden; it ain't my FZ1 though which is super roomy, but weighs a [1/4] tonne.
2 Stroke Pollution
Just bought myself an RG250 Gamma: looks a but scruffy, but feels as tight as a post christmas waist band. Can't wait to get out on it - i'd forgotten how smooth multicylinder 2 strokes were (last one I had was a 350 YPVS, which i sold in 2000). Will put new plugs in and change the gearbox oil - anything else i need to remember.
Grim Up North
Fookinell, that's some fearsome flooding you guys are experiencing in Lancashire and Yorkshire. Greater Manchester looks like it has taken a right hammering. Hope you are dry and safe.
Merry Christmas to me
Don't worry fella, happens to the best of us. A bitch that the tank got hit - get scouring ebay for a replacement - the rest is all fowlers stuff or aftermarket upgrade. It's Christmas night: get the painkiller in a bottle out and forget about it for the time being - you'll only wind yourself up otherwise (been there....).
Mega clearout
Have you put this on Wiltshire Bikers? Might be worth doing if no one here wants them.
Engine management light help?
It's all a calculated risk and you see it across multiple car/motorcycle/electrical gadget forums. The stealers charge a premium for servicing, knowing that lots of folk are worried that they will lose the warranty or second hand value. I service my bikes myself - even from new and just serviced my car @1 year old. Vehicle reliability (and in most cases most machines and electrical stuff) follows a bathtub curve. There is a probability of failure in the early life/stages of use as manufacturing defects that interfer with short term performance and reliability come to light (say it throws a rod due to the friday effect); a middle phase where failures are few and the longer part of the lifecycle when wear-and-tear and 106+ failure modes dominate (e.g. piston rings worn out or ecu burnout): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathtub_curve I take the view that if the vehicle gets through 1 year of use without the initial failure modes afflicting it, then it is likely it will go to the far end of the bathtub and have a good service inbetween. I'd also rather buy a used vehicle that was well serviced by a competent owner than bodged by the idiots at the local franchised house-of-horrors. British customers have had a massive hoax played on them by main-dealers and manufacturers that simply hasn't happened elsewhere in Europe.
Engine management light help?
I would keep a bloody close eye on this - make a note of the dates of this and the interations that you had; if it occurs again this information could be very useful. The ingress resistance on modern Yams is generally very good, so the idea that this 'just happened' seems fanciful - perhaps a protective boot has not been seated properly? Disgusting that you ave parted with your hard-earned (or hard to be earned) and the dealer is dismissive to downright rude.....take the money and run merchants.....
MT-09 Throttle response
It seems there is quite a lot of misunderstanding about CO adjustment across many yamaha forums - the CO adjustment is purely a fine tweak that can be applied at the end of the production line to get the CO level within homologation specs. You cannot really tune with it - trust me I have changed it just to see; at best you can just enrich idle a little bit, but you don't notice the effects with any throttle transition at all.
MT-09 Throttle response
It all stems from the same issues as the VW emissions scandal; in the hunt for compliance with emissions and noise regulations the manufacturers have to sacrifice elements of driveability to ensure homologation standards are met (or defeated in the case of all these over-complex turbodiesels). A power commander will fix it, mainly because a power commander also defeats the restrictions that hamper performance.
Modified insurance commonsense
http://foc-u.co.uk/index.php?topic=18597.0 MCE now cover modified bikes (with sensible exclusions) the same as standard. Waters now very unmuddied - lets hope more follow suit.
2015 R1 oil leak
Sadly this looks like another antisocial forum-ponce who rocks-up and asks a question without so much as a by your leave, then never comes back to finish the story or respond to help given. Half of the threads on this forum seem to suffer from this nonsense. Can't mods put a block on idiots starting new threads anywhere but in the new members area?