Everything posted by pilninggas
Knobhead on my street
its a catch 22, if you talk to him and he doesnt listen to wat you say and carries on with his stupidity, then when you do something outside of the law, he is gonna know it is you and may well call the police in. All you need is a little evidence and bang your in a load of shit with the law. iv had this problem before and its almost better not to speak to people, as these chavs couldnt careless about other people.
carb balancing
what do you mean by a diagram? the access nozzles for manifold vacuum are on the inlet manifolds, and the ajdustment screws are on the adjustable pivots that link the carbs. my mates divvy takes about 25 mins to balance start to finish. access is pretty good.
- Hello to all
dvlc lost my records
i spoke to a copper before i sent my license off for a change of address, he said photocopy ur license and then he signed it for me with the date and his number. gave me peace of mind, though to be fair i didnt have a problem. the dvla are an utter disgrace, and their attitude to loss of entitlement is disgusting
DUDE DONT SHOUT! thats better, check this out: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/YAMAHA-XJ600-CLOCK-A...id=p3286.c0.m14
yamaha genisis wont start
Igniter is the Cd unit on these bikes. How old are the coils? might be worth replacing those, having said that there tends to be lots of igniters on ebay (make sure it is the correct one). If you have a haynes manujal you can test the impedances of the coils, its not perfect but it can show up a dodgy coil from time-to-time. Check connections carefully as other electrical faults may mean the igniter does not output a LT voltage. good luk
yamaha genisis wont start
Did it run smoothly, before it stopped? my guesses is maybe worn main jets (makes the bike to rich to fire), try from cold with no choke to see if it starts. But probably dodgy 'lectrics! check plugs, coils and leads. good luck
- FZR Carbs
Poor Performance at low speed (FZR600)
no exup on the fzr600, sounds more like worn jets to me.
yamaha genisis wont start
Happy to help but - - what is a yzf 600 genisis? do you mean an FZR600 or a thundercat? - It ticks over but it won't fire. Do you mean it turns over but wont start? or do you mean it idles, but it wont take a blip of the throttle? Sorry to sound patronising, but further details would be useful! btw Welcome to this forum, i like it cos there is loads of variety!
YBR125 Longish Distance
i once did 300 miles on an RXS 100 in one day. Small bikes can be tiring in that sense, i do that sort of mileage on my FZR1000 without thinking about it. Should be easy enough, just unless it is vital, avoid motorways on a bike of that size if possible, as it is very tiresome riding a small bike on the m-way. Also at this time of year, be aware you may get very cold over timne and you may not notice it. Wear appropriate gear have fun 2
04 dtr 125
things to start with (maybe): blocked breather (common on trailies) knackered spark plug (v. common on 2 strokes) Loose or corroded electrical connections. the DT experts on here may know better than me! (i havent had a 2 stroke for yonks!)
F1 Fazer ABS vs. FZ1 ABS
Fazer is the faired one, FZ1 is the unfaired bike.
thundercat will not start
T-hrottle P-ostion S-ensor. It is a sensor located on the shaft that opens the throttle butterflies in the carburetors. It tells the ecu indirectly what load is on the engine, so that the ECU can adjust the amount of spark advance. It will have 3 or 4 wires (via a socket), a refernce 12v or 5v, a 0v, either 1 signal wire or 2 signal wires. It is a potentiometer and will output signals (usually) that are a linear voltage that is directly proportional to angular displacement of the throttle butterfly shaft. In essence it tells the bike what your right hand is doing as you ride! You could check the contacts etc, and if you have the wiring diagrams see if it is getting +12v/5v (delet as appropriate) and whether is it giving a variable signal (of course check the 0v too). I'd be consulting a Haynes Comic myself for technical spec if you are unsure.
thundercat will not start
just surmising as i have never had any experience with cats, but maybe tps? you can check the tps quite easily and its a fualt that will probably thro a fault code on the Rev counter.
no expert, but if you got video evidence, why not pursue your losses thru a small claims court? i await correction!
R125 YZF - Warrenty Questions
how on earth does a 2000 mile old 4-stroke 125 seize?
FZR Carbs
each carb is seviceable with the carbs joined together, to do the jet job you do not need to separate the carbs. The carbs only tend to be a pain if you have to disconnect them from each other. if you are happy to do the job, get (buy, beg, borrow or steal) a set of carb balancers and do that while you are in there.
Yamaha Spares - New & Used
you could try fowl-ups: fowlers.co.uk, they are near me but they do next day delivery for the rest of UK
R1 Insurance
well for me, i am a bit older than you they were cheaper than any other online quote, £87 for fzr1000 aint bad. Ur too young!
R1 Insurance
try thebikeinsurer.com, its a comparison site.
Taking my CBT Test.
to add to the above, make sure you have wet weather gear/ warm gear; november can be a funny month! good luck and remember to report back!
first bike yzf-r125
welcome to the club!
- Hello all
yzf r125
i don't think you will find that is the case. a turbo transfers kinetic energy from the exhaust to the intake charge, the problem with the electric cuperchargers is that on a car they need to flow hundreds (to thousands) of litres of air per minute, an electric supercharger on a 2.0 litre engine would draw hundreds of amps (indeed it takes many horse power to run a turbo charger or supercharger), so the type you see on the net don't worker (sightly noticeable gains (if any)are down to the MAF being fooled). A turbocharger becomes effective when the compressor wheel is able to displace more gas than the engine can scavenge through induction vacuum alone (Turbo lag is the period when the turbo is n ot flowing as much gas as the vacuum is drawing (i saw clarkson on top gear test an Evo and he moaned about turbo lag - what he was actually describing was a lack of low down power due to a low compression engine and retarded spark)). However on a small bike engine the charge flow is much lower and believe it or not i have heard of small-bike specific devices increasing power. Is the YZF125 fitted with an o2 sensor? thats where i would be looking for gains.